As usuÂal, StewÂart cuts to the chase and says what has to be said. And gets a good laugh along the way…
As usuÂal, StewÂart cuts to the chase and says what has to be said. And gets a good laugh along the way…
ElizÂaÂbeth AlexanÂder recitÂed one of her own poems at ObaÂma’s inauÂguÂraÂtion last week and now talks poetÂry (both highÂbrow and lowÂbrow) with Stephen ColÂbert. All in all, she does a pretÂty good job of hangÂing in there.
Bad clothes, realÂly bad TV sets, not so good hair, and some briefly good comÂeÂdy — that’s what you get when Woody Allen hits the Dick Cavett Show in or around 1970. Watch it below, and get othÂer segÂments here, here, and here. And find it on our YouTube Favorites.
What hapÂpens when you take the 2004, AcadÂeÂmy award-nomÂiÂnatÂed GerÂman film Der UnterÂgang (The DownÂfall) and turn it into a spoof? Here, the “downÂfall” is all about the decline of the housÂing marÂket, and how Hitler becomes just anothÂer man with a home under water. There are some clasÂsic lines here, parÂticÂuÂlarÂly if you looked to buy a home in recent years. Thanks Bob for the tip.
The MonÂty Python ChanÂnel on YouTube was launched with these words:
“For three years you YouTuÂbers have been ripÂping us off, takÂing tens of thouÂsands of our videos and putting them up on YouTube… We know who you are … we know where you live … and we could come after you in ways too horÂriÂble to menÂtion…” “But being the extraÂorÂdiÂnarÂiÂly nice chaps we are, we’ve figÂured out a betÂter way to get our own back. It’s time to take matÂters in our own hands by launchÂing our very own MonÂty Python chanÂnel on YouTube.”
The videos are offered in high qualÂiÂty, straight from the MonÂty Python vault. Down the road, you’ll get a comÂpreÂhenÂsive, well orgaÂnized colÂlecÂtion. Below, we’ve added one of the videos that you’ll find in the mix, the clasÂsic MonÂty Python bit, “Every Sperm is Sacred.” And we’ve also added the Python chanÂnel (if you don’t object) to our colÂlecÂtion: IntelÂliÂgent Life at YouTube: 80 CulÂturÂal Video ColÂlecÂtions.
Here we have the odd couÂple. The agnosÂtic filmÂmakÂer and one of AmerÂiÂca’s most influÂenÂtial reliÂgious figÂures engaged in a liveÂly conÂverÂsaÂtion. It’s actuÂalÂly a rather genÂtleÂmanÂly exchange from the late 1960s, and it’s added to our video colÂlecÂtion of CulÂturÂal Icons. Part 1 appears below, and you can get Part 2 here.
You can find this video perÂmaÂnentÂly hostÂed in our colÂlecÂtion of 235 CulÂturÂal Icons.
Stand-up comÂeÂdy and BibÂliÂcal creÂation don’t usuÂalÂly go togethÂer. But someÂhow they do for Ricky GerÂvais, the creÂator of the ever-popÂuÂlar teleÂviÂsion show, The Office. (Watch episodes here.) The bit runs about 10 minÂutes, and it’s added to our YouTube playlist.