Sedaris Reads “Solution to Saturday’s Puzzle”

Not long ago, we fea­tured David Sedaris read­ing “Of Mice and Men,” a com­ic bit from his newish book, When You are Engulfed in Flames. Now, we give you anoth­er fun­ny (also live) read­ing from the same book. The sto­ry is called “Solu­tion to Sat­ur­day’s Puz­zle,” and you can get it as an mp3 here.

Relat­ed Con­tent:

David Sedaris Deliv­ers a Piz­za (an Imper­son­ation)

Colbert Goes to Iraq

In case you missed Col­bert’s trip to the war zone, here’s a fun­ny clip.

You can find the link to this video and more here.

John Hodgman@Google

He appears in the well-known Mac v. PC com­mer­cials, on The Dai­ly Show and occa­sion­al­ly on This Amer­i­can Life. John Hodg­man is kind of every­where these days, and now, pro­mot­ing his new book, More Infor­ma­tion Than You Require, he hits the stage at Google and gives the crowd an off­beat hour talk.

Relat­ed Con­tent:

The British Slant on the Mac v Pc Ads

Technology Is Amazing, Nobody Is Happy…

A good clip that comes from Alec Couros’s 80+ Videos for Tech & Media Lit­er­a­cy. It fea­tures come­di­an Louis C.K. offer­ing his fun­ny thoughts on how our gen­er­a­tion han­dles new tech­nol­o­gy. We’ve added it to our YouTube Favorites.

Introducing The Hugest Kindle Ever

File under com­e­dy…

See direct link to video here.

Obama Does Stand Up Comedy

From last night’s White House Cor­re­spon­dents’ Din­ner. (Also get Wan­da Sykes’ standup appear­ance here. Rather fun­ny.)

These clips come from CSPAN’s YouTube Chan­nel, which is includ­ed in our Intel­li­gent YouTube Video Col­lec­tion

Jon Stewart on the Relevance of Cultural Magazines


The Dai­ly Show With Jon Stew­art M — Th 11p / 10c
We Don’t Tor­ture
Dai­ly Show
Full Episodes
Eco­nom­ic Cri­sis Polit­i­cal Humor

Here’s Jon Stew­art talk­ing Mon­day night about the rev­e­la­tion that Amer­i­ca’s “extreme inter­ro­ga­tion” tech­niques actu­al­ly amount to tor­ture. Some­how he man­ages to work The New York Review of Books, The Paris ReviewMcSweeney’s and The Utne Read­er into the dis­cus­sion. You’ll find it about 4 min­utes in. Pret­ty fun­ny stuff, although the com­men­tary is sad when you get right down to it.

On a more seri­ous note, Rahm Emanuel (high­light­ed in the video above) was almost cer­tain­ly ref­er­enc­ing excel­lent Mark Dan­ner’s work in the NYRB, which you can find here.

The direct link to the Stew­art video can be found here.

Talent = 10,000 Hours + Luck

Take Mal­colm Glad­well’s new book, Out­liers: The Sto­ry of Suc­cess. Boil it down. Make it fun­ny. And here you have our next video pro­duced by Kir­by Fer­gu­son. NB that there are a few words sprin­kled in that won’t be safe for work (unless you work in a spe­cial kind of place).

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