The ColÂbert Report | Mon — Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c | |||
Big Bang TheÂoÂry | ||||
GotÂta love comÂeÂdy that riffs on the Large Hadron ColÂlidÂer. I’ll have some more seriÂous things to say about the LHC in the comÂing weeks. In the meanÂtime, enjoy the comÂic bit. Have a good weekÂend…
These days, David Sedaris is the thinkÂing perÂsonÂ’s favorite funÂny man. In the past, we have feaÂtured his live readÂings of comÂic mateÂrÂiÂal from When You are Engulfed in Flames. (See “RelatÂed ConÂtent” below.) Today, we’re highÂlightÂing someÂthing a litÂtle difÂferÂent. On August 19th, Sedaris appeared as a guest DJ on KCRW, a radio staÂtion in Los AngeÂles, and spun his favorite old records. You can lisÂten with the playÂer below or here. MeanÂwhile, if you want to hear more of KCRÂW’s Guest DJ Project (which has feaÂtured David Lynch, JimÂmy Wales, and othÂer culÂturÂal icons), you can get the podÂcast here: iTunes — Feed — Web Site.
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Sedaris Reads “SoluÂtion to Saturday’s PuzÂzle”
David Sedaris Reads “Of Mice and Men”
A litÂtle piece of clasÂsic AmerÂiÂcana TV. We take you back to the 1950s and Sid CaeÂsar’s comÂic work. It’s hard to imagÂine someÂone workÂing Beethoven’s 5th into comÂic mateÂrÂiÂal, but CaeÂsar did it. In the meanÂtime, if you want someÂthing a litÂtle more seriÂous, I give you this rare footage of HerÂbert von KaraÂjan conÂductÂing the same symÂphoÂny in 1966. An old gem. LastÂly, get lots of free clasÂsiÂcal music from our Music PodÂcast ColÂlecÂtion.
Al Franken, the forÂmer SNL comeÂdiÂan, the HarÂvard gradÂuÂate, and now US SenÂaÂtor, has a speÂcial talÂent. He can draw the map of AmerÂiÂca, state-by-state, while chatÂting up a crowd. Almost makes me feel the 4th of July spirÂit…
Thanks for Eric for this one.
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The DaiÂly Show With Jon StewÂart | Mon — Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
OlivÂer Sacks | ||||
This conÂverÂsaÂtion, both funÂny and a litÂtle inforÂmaÂtive, is worth your time. This will hopeÂfulÂly whet your appetite, and give you good reaÂson to watch OlivÂer SackÂ’s new proÂgram on NOVA. It’s called MusiÂcal Minds and you can watch it here startÂing on July 1.
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
CenÂtral IntelÂliÂgence: From Ants to the Web
If you have probÂlems watchÂing the clip above, you can find a link to the video here.
All credÂit to Jason KotÂtke on this one. PerÂfect for our readÂers. From the 2009 Radio and TV CorÂreÂsponÂdents’ DinÂner. Give it a litÂtle time. Here it goes:
RelatÂed Video: