Filmed in 1986, Meetin’ WA is a short (26 minute) film that not many have seen. What you get is Godard, one of the driÂving forces behind La NouÂvelle Vague, in conÂverÂsaÂtion with Woody Allen. The tradeÂmark Godard approach to film, the expectÂed dose of Woody Allen neuÂroses — they’re all there. You’ll find this gem and 340+ othÂer films (includÂing many clasÂsics) listÂed in our colÂlecÂtion of Free Movies Online.
You have probÂaÂbly all seen them — the countÂless parÂoÂdies of the now famous scene from the 2004 GerÂman film, DownÂfall, which records the last days of Hitler and the Third Reich. EarÂliÂer this week, the fun startÂed comÂing to an end when ConÂstanÂtin Film, holdÂer of the movie’s copyÂright, asked YouTube to remove the clips for reaÂsons enuÂmerÂatÂed here. But almost as quickÂly as YouTube took them down, new ones startÂed to pop up. Above, we have one parÂoÂdy showÂing Hitler respondÂing vioÂlentÂly to the takeÂdown request. And, then, takÂing an entireÂly difÂferÂent stance, we see him being the masÂterÂmind behind the conÂtroÂverÂsial purgÂing of videos. The meme lives on … for now. Thanks to @wesalwan for the tip here.
For 100+ free movies, includÂing many great clasÂsics, see our colÂlecÂtion of Free Movies Online.
Ok, it’s not realÂly WernÂer HerÂzog. Just a litÂtle playÂful satire. A guess at how the GerÂman direcÂtor might reinterpret/read the chilÂdren’s clasÂsic CuriÂous George. This verÂsion is dark and exisÂtenÂtial.
Kurt KuenÂne’s short film, “ValÂiÂdaÂtion,” has played at 34 film fesÂtiÂvals and won 17 awards. This 16 minute indie offers a “fable about the magÂic of free parkÂing” — meanÂing they’re talkÂing about “valÂiÂdaÂtion” in a largÂer sense than parkÂing per se … We’ve added the clip to our YouTube favorites.
This imagÂiÂnaÂtive bit was a stuÂdenÂt’s final project for an art course. The flipÂbook, made entireÂly out of biro pens, was creÂatÂed with 2100 pages of drawÂings and took about 3 weeks to develÂop. NeedÂless to say, the stuÂdent got an A.
In the past couÂple of years, The New YorkÂer has rolled out a series of aniÂmatÂed carÂtoons, which puts in motion its famous carÂtoons. They can be watched iTunes, YouTube or right on the web.
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