A day after PresÂiÂdent ObaÂma conÂductÂed his much pubÂliÂcized town hall meetÂing at FaceÂbook, Tina Fey, the star of 30 Rock and the author of the new book BossyÂpants, headÂed to Google, just a few miles down the road.
Last May, Googlers had their riotous romp with Conan O’Brien. Now they get their 60 minÂutes with anothÂer comeÂdiÂan who came of age on NBC. The conÂverÂsaÂtion led by Eric Schmidt teachÂes you the secrets of improv, how to take picÂtures like a modÂel, the pros & cons of goofÂing on Sarah Palin, and why male and female comÂeÂdy writÂers difÂfer in funÂdaÂmenÂtalÂly odd ways. Tina Fey is funÂny. But someÂtimes funÂnier is watchÂing Schmidt tryÂing to keep the conÂverÂsaÂtion from going off the rails. Scroll to the 8:20 mark, and you’ll see what I mean.
Just an fyi: Tina Fey actuÂalÂly narÂrates the audioÂbook verÂsion of BossyÂpants, and you can snag it for free through this Audible.com deal. Details here.