What can we say about Gary ShteynÂgart? The novÂelÂist appeared last year in The New Yorker’s 20 Under 40 FicÂtion Issue (which listÂed authors “who capÂture the invenÂtiveÂness and the vitalÂiÂty of conÂtemÂpoÂrary AmerÂiÂcan ficÂtion.”) He teachÂes writÂing at ColumÂbia UniÂverÂsiÂty and counts James FranÂco as one of his stuÂdents. And he’s willÂing to husÂtle a litÂtle to sell a book. When his novÂel Super Sad True Love StoÂry came out last sumÂmer (find NYTimes review here), the quirky Leningrad-born author (key to underÂstandÂing what comes next) released a satirÂiÂcal, self-depÂreÂcatÂing trailÂer to proÂmote his book. JefÂfrey Eugenides, Jay McInÂerÂney, Edmund White, Mary GaitÂskill and FranÂco himÂself all get in on the joke … which gets betÂter as it goes along.
ShteynÂgart’s book just came out in paperÂback last week. To mark the occaÂsion, Fresh Air re-aired an interÂview with him (sans accent) last week. His book is also availÂable as an audio downÂload via Audible.com, and here’s how you can snag a free copy…
ReviewÂing Jonathan Franzen’s “FreeÂdom” with Wit