From dead parÂrots to The MeanÂing of Life, MonÂty Python covÂered a lot of terÂriÂtoÂry. EduÂcatÂed at Oxford and CamÂbridge, the Pythons made a habit of weavÂing arcane intelÂlecÂtuÂal refÂerÂences into the silÂliÂest of sketchÂes. A clasÂsic examÂple is “Mrs. Premise and Mrs. ConÂcluÂsion VisÂit Jean-Paul Sartre,” (above) from episode 27 of MonÂty Python’s FlyÂing CirÂcus.
The sketch feaÂtures writÂing partÂners John Cleese as Mrs. Premise and GraÂham ChapÂman as Mrs. ConÂcluÂsion, gabÂbing away in a launÂderette about how best to put down a budgie. Mrs. Premise sugÂgests flushÂing it down the loo. “Ooh! No!” protests Mrs. ConÂcluÂsion. “You shouldÂn’t do that. No that’s danÂgerÂous. Yes, they breed in the sewÂers, and evenÂtuÂalÂly you get evil-smelling flocks of huge soiled budÂgies flyÂing out of peoÂple’s lavaÂtoÂries infringÂing their perÂsonÂal freeÂdom.”
From there the conÂverÂsaÂtion veers straight into Jean-Paul Sartre’s The Roads to FreeÂdom. It’s a clasÂsic sketch–vintage Python–and you can read a tranÂscript here while watchÂing it above.
AnothÂer clasÂsic is the “PhilosoÂpher’s DrinkÂing Song,” shown above in a scene from MonÂty Python Live at the HolÂlyÂwood Bowl. The song was writÂten and sung by Eric Idle. In the sketch, memÂbers of the phiÂlosÂoÂphy departÂment at the “UniÂverÂsiÂty of WoolÂloomooloo” lead the audiÂence in singing, “Immanuel Kant was a real pisÂsant who was very rarely staÂble; HeiÂdegÂger, HeiÂdegÂger was a boozy begÂgar who could think you under the table…”
And one of our favorites: “The PhilosoÂphers’ FootÂball Match” (above), a filmed sequence from MonÂty Python Live at the HolÂlyÂwood Bowl, pitÂting the Ancient Greeks against the GerÂmans, with ConÂfuÂcius as refÂerÂee. The sketch was origÂiÂnalÂly broadÂcast in 1972 in a two-part West GerÂman teleÂviÂsion speÂcial, MonÂty Python’s FliegenÂder Zirkus.
When you’re done laughÂing, you can dive deep into phiÂlosÂoÂphy here with our colÂlecÂtion of 55 Free PhiÂlosÂoÂphy CoursÂes online.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Stephen HawkÂing Sings MonÂty Python’s “Galaxy Song”: Hear the NewÂly-Released SinÂgle
John Cleese’s PhiÂlosÂoÂphy of CreÂativÂiÂty: CreÂatÂing Oases for ChildÂlike Play