Back in 1975, Tom Davis and Al Franken, two MinÂnesoÂta-born comeÂdiÂans, joined the writÂing staff of SatÂurÂday Night Live, a new late-night comÂeÂdy show. TogethÂer, Franken & Davis sketched out some unforÂgetÂtable SNL charÂacÂters — The ConeÂheads played by Dan Aykroyd, Jane Curtin and Laraine NewÂman. Nick The Lounge Singer, a charÂacÂter inhabÂitÂed wonÂderÂfulÂly by Bill MurÂray. Julia Child brought to life by Aykroyd again. 37 years latÂer, SatÂurÂday Night Live is still going strong.
The Franken & Davis comÂeÂdy team broke up in 1990. Time passed. And, in 2009, their lives went in very difÂferÂent direcÂtions. Al Franken was electÂed to the U.S. SenÂate. Tom Davis was diagÂnosed with throat and neck canÂcer — the disÂease that finalÂly took his life yesÂterÂday. In recent months, Davis wrote openÂly about his jourÂney with canÂcer. In a blog post called The Dark Side of Death, he joked about indulging in medÂical marÂiÂjuaÂna (“These days I get my marÂiÂjuaÂna through airÂport secuÂriÂty by hidÂing it in the morÂphine”) and the day he’d “de-aniÂmate.” But he also talked movÂingÂly about the perÂspecÂtive the disÂease gave him, writÂing:
I wake up in the mornÂing, delightÂed to be wakÂing up, read, write, feed the birds, watch sports on TV, acceptÂing the fact that in the foreÂseeÂable future I will be a dead perÂson. I want to remind you that dead peoÂple are peoÂple too. There are good dead peoÂple and bad dead peoÂple. Some of my best friends are dead peoÂple. Dead peoÂple have fought in every war. We’re all going to try it someÂtime. ForÂtuÂnateÂly for me, I have always enjoyed mysÂtery and soliÂtude.
Many peoÂple in my sitÂuÂaÂtion say, “It’s been my worst and best year.” If that sounds like a clichĂ©, you don’t have canÂcer. On the plus side, I am grateÂful to have gained real, not just intelÂlecÂtuÂal empaÂthy. I was preÂpared to go through life withÂout havÂing sufÂfered, and I was doing a good job of it. Now I know what it’s like to starve. And to accept “that over which I have no conÂtrol,” I had to turn inward. PeoÂple from all over my life are reconÂnectÂing with me, and I’ve tried to take responÂsiÂbilÂiÂty for my deeds, good and bad. As my friend TimÂoÂthy Leary said in his book, Death by Design, “Even if you’ve been a comÂplete slob your whole life, if you can end the last act with panache, that’s what they’ll rememÂber.”
I think I’ve finalÂly grown up.
When Davis said that “some of my best friends are dead peoÂple,” he was probÂaÂbly thinkÂing of TimÂoÂthy Leary and JerÂry GarÂcia too. Here, you can watch Davis and the GrateÂful Dead frontÂman cook a meal togethÂer, and above we bring you Franken & Davis conÂductÂing a GrateÂful Dead trivÂia conÂtest in 1980. Thanks to Tom for the memÂoÂries and laughs.
via NYTimes