All sucÂcessÂful prodÂucts are alike; every unsucÂcessÂful prodÂuct is unsucÂcessÂful in its own way. Or so a modÂern-day TolÂstoy might find himÂself inspired to write after a visÂit to the MuseÂum of FailÂure, a movÂable feast of flops which began last year in HelsÂingÂborg, SweÂden and has now opened its doors on HolÂlyÂwood BouleÂvard in Los AngeÂles. The DonÂald Trump board game, Apple’s NewÂton, NokiÂa’s N‑Gage, Ford’s Edsel, ColÂgate Beef Lasagne, Harley-DavidÂson Cologne, New Coke, Google Glass: these and othÂer shinÂing examÂples of failÂure appear in the videos about the museÂum at the top of the post and just below.
ConÂsidÂered today, many of these prodÂucts, whether well-known or thorÂoughÂly obscure, look hilarÂiÂousÂly ill-conÂceived. But the MuseÂum of FailÂure’s founder, a psyÂcholÂoÂgist named Samuel West, does have high praise for some of the prodÂucts he’s colÂlectÂed in his instiÂtuÂtion.
As you’ll find out on a visÂit there, though, they’ve all got at least one fatal flaw — a design probÂlem, bad timÂing, misÂjudgÂment of the marÂket, falling into the cracks of existÂing offerÂings — that drove conÂsumers away. You can’t say that any of them didÂn’t take a risk, but risks, by their very nature, burn out more often than they pay off.
“Why do I have all these failÂures?” asks West in his TED Talk. “The point of havÂing the museÂum is that we can learn from these failÂures. I want us to start to admit our failÂures as comÂpaÂnies, as indiÂvidÂuÂals, so we can learn from it.” AmerÂiÂca’s relÂaÂtive lack of culÂturÂal stigmaÂtiÂzaÂtion of failÂure often gets citÂed among the reaÂsons for the counÂtry’s repÂuÂtaÂtion for innoÂvaÂtion and ecoÂnomÂic dynamism, but there, as anyÂwhere else, an increased willÂingÂness not just to fail but to betÂter underÂstand the nature of indiÂvidÂual failÂures wouldÂn’t go amiss. NothÂing sucÂceeds like sucÂcess, so the sayÂing goes, but the fasÂciÂnaÂtion that has built around the MuseÂum of FailÂure so far sugÂgests that we have much to gain from its oppoÂsite as well.
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Why Do So Many PeoÂple Adore The Room, the Worst Movie Ever Made? A Video ExplainÂer
Meet the World’s Worst OrchesÂtra, the Portsmouth SinÂfoÂnia, FeaÂturÂing BriÂan Eno
Paulo CoelÂho on The Fear of FailÂure
Based in Seoul, ColÂin MarÂshall writes and broadÂcasts on cities and culÂture. His projects include the book The StateÂless City: a Walk through 21st-CenÂtuÂry Los AngeÂles and the video series The City in CinÂeÂma. FolÂlow him on TwitÂter at @colinmarshall or on FaceÂbook.