When it comes to matÂters of broad sciÂenÂtifÂic conÂsenÂsus, I’m genÂerÂalÂly inclined to offer proÂviÂsionÂal assent. Like everyÂone else, I have to rely on the experÂtise of othÂers in matÂters outÂside my ken, and in many casÂes, this ratioÂnal appeal to authorÂiÂty is the best one can do withÂout acquirÂing the relÂeÂvant qualÂiÂfiÂcaÂtions and years of expeÂriÂence in highÂly speÂcialÂized sciÂenÂtifÂic fields. In the case of evoÂluÂtion, I hapÂpen to find the eviÂdence and explaÂnaÂtions nearÂly all biolÂoÂgists profÂfer much more perÂsuaÂsive than the claims—and accusations—of their mostÂly unsciÂenÂtifÂic critÂics. But as we know from recent surÂvey data, a very large perÂcentÂage of AmerÂiÂcans reject the theÂoÂry of evoÂluÂtion, at least when it comes to humans, though it’s likeÂly a great many of them—like myself—do not know very much about it.
But as a layperÂson with an admitÂtedÂly rudiÂmenÂtaÂry sciÂence eduÂcaÂtion, I’m always grateÂful for clear, simÂple explaÂnaÂtions of comÂplex ideas. This is preÂciseÂly what we get in the video series StatÂed ClearÂly, which harÂnessÂes the powÂer of web aniÂmaÂtion as an instrucÂtionÂal tool to define what the theÂoÂry of evoÂluÂtion is, and why it explains the observÂable facts betÂter than anyÂthing else. StatÂed ClearÂly’s tagline is “sciÂence is for everyÂone,” and indeed, their misÂsion “is simÂple”: “to proÂmote the art of critÂiÂcal thinkÂing by exposÂing peoÂple from all walks of life, to the simÂple beauÂty of sciÂence.” The video at the top gives us a broad overview of the theÂoÂry of evoÂluÂtion. The aniÂmaÂtion just above presents the eviÂdence for evoÂluÂtion, or some of it anyÂway, in clear, comÂpelling terms, drawÂing from at least two of the many indeÂpenÂdent lines of eviÂdence. And below, we have a StatÂed ClearÂly take on natÂurÂal selecÂtion, an absoluteÂly key conÂcept of evoÂluÂtionÂary biolÂoÂgy, and one regÂuÂlarÂly misÂunÂderÂstood.
After watchÂing these three shorts, you might agree that what is “often conÂsidÂered a comÂplex and conÂtroÂverÂsial topÂic” is “actuÂalÂly a very simÂple conÂcept to underÂstand.” In layman’s terms, at least. In fact, artist, narÂraÂtor, and creÂator of the series, Jon PerÂry, admits that he himÂself has no forÂmal sciÂenÂtifÂic trainÂing. “He believed,” his bio states, “that if he could creÂate just one good aniÂmaÂtion on his own, sciÂenÂtists and eduÂcaÂtors would realÂize the potenÂtial of this project and help him creÂate more.” And indeed they have. StatÂed ClearÂly has a disÂtinÂguished panÂel of sciÂence advisÂers and partÂners that include the CenÂter for ChemÂiÂcal EvoÂluÂtion, Emory UniÂverÂsiÂty, GeorÂgia Tech, NASA, and the NationÂal SciÂence FounÂdaÂtion. Learn much more about StatÂed Clearly’s goals and affilÂiÂaÂtions, or lack thereÂof, at their webÂsite. And below, see the fourth video of the series, “Does the TheÂoÂry of EvoÂluÂtion RealÂly MatÂter?,” which addressÂes the pracÂtiÂcal, real world impliÂcaÂtions of evoÂluÂtionÂary theÂoÂry, and sciÂenÂtifÂic litÂerÂaÂcy.
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Carl Sagan Explains EvoÂluÂtion in an Eight-Minute AniÂmaÂtion
Josh Jones is a writer and musiÂcian based in Durham, NC. FolÂlow him at @jdmagness