What’s the most popÂuÂlar podÂcast in the HighÂer EduÂcaÂtion secÂtion of iTunes? Ahead of all the podÂcasts from PrinceÂton, and all of those from Yale, and ahead of the UnderÂstandÂing ComÂputÂers course from HarÂvard, and even the psyÂcholÂoÂgy course from UC BerkeÂley, is an unexÂpectÂed podÂcast called Twelve ByzanÂtine Rulers: The HisÂtoÂry of the ByzanÂtine Empire. The course, which focusÂes on the Greek-speakÂing Roman Empire of the MidÂdle Ages, is taught by Lars BrownÂworth, who teachÂes high school at The Stony Brook School on Long Island, New York. And it gets rave reviews. “I’m disÂapÂpointÂed because I don’t think I’ll ever find a podÂcast that I enjoy as much as this one.” “This podÂcast has quickÂly become a hit with me and all of my friends, even those who don’t like hisÂtoÂry so much.” You get the gist.
The sucÂcess of this course makes us think that comÂpaÂnies that sell digÂiÂtal lecÂtures for a fee might not be long for this world. Take The TeachÂing ComÂpaÂny for examÂple. They’re in the busiÂness of sellÂing polÂished, lecÂture-based coursÂes, which can often be very well done. And, yes, they offer too a course on the ByzanÂtine Empire that retails in audio downÂload form for $129. So what will the savvy conÂsumer do? DownÂload BrownÂworth’s course for free? Or pay $129? This is not a knock on what The TeachÂing ComÂpaÂny is doing. I like their prodÂuct and can appreÂciÂate their need to sell prodÂucts to recoup their costs. But you can’t comÂpete with free. With so many uniÂverÂsiÂty coursÂes now tapÂing their coursÂes and allowÂing peoÂple to downÂload them to the ubiqÂuiÂtous iPod (see our full list of uniÂverÂsiÂty podÂcasts), you have to wonÂder whether The TeachÂing ComÂpaÂny is just anothÂer once viable busiÂness modÂel that is being steadiÂly comÂmodÂitzed by the InterÂnet.