iTunes Freebies From Around the World

Here’s a quick heads up: (The Unof­fi­cial Apple Weblog) post­ed a nice fea­ture that offers a new slant on what we often do here at Open Cul­ture. They scanned the dif­fer­ent inter­na­tion­al iTunes stores and iden­ti­fied free music, video, and audio books avail­able to users in the US, Aus­tralia, Cana­da, France, Britain and New Zealand. If inter­na­tion­al cul­ture is your thing, then def­i­nite­ly mosey on over.

Steve Jobs on Life

Steve Jobs, the CEO of Apple Com­put­er, deliv­ered this speech at Stan­ford’s com­mence­ment cer­e­mo­ny in June 2005. I’ve watched it a cou­ple times now, with about 6 months in between view­ings, and each time it has struck me as worth watch­ing every so often to keep focused on what mat­ters.

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Indie films for Your Apple TV

Here’s a tip cour­tesy of The Unof­fi­cial Apple Weblog.

Apple TV just hit the mar­ket, as we men­tioned last week. And while the prod­uct has a lot of promise, the imme­di­ate down­side is that there’s a dearth of con­tent ready for you to watch. But here’s a promis­ing option: Hun­gryFlix lets you down­load inde­pen­dent films that are specif­i­cal­ly for­mat­ted for Apple TV. You prob­a­bly won’t rec­og­nize too many of the titles — they are inde­pen­dent films after all — but the price for the down­loads is cer­tain­ly right. For more video pod­casts, click here.

25 Smart Video Podcasts That You Can Watch on Apple TV

Apple_tv_4_3Ear­li­er this week, we dis­cussed the recent release of Apple TV, the new gad­get that lets you wire­less­ly down­load videos from iTunes to your cushy widescreen TV. For many con­sumers, the log­i­cal ques­tion to ask is whether there’s much to watch if they plunk down the $299 for the hard­ware. (Check it out in our Ama­zon store.) And our read­ers might par­tic­u­lar­ly won­der whether there’s much in the way of cul­tur­al video. With these ques­tions in mind, we’ve put togeth­er a sam­pling of worth­while video pod­casts (oth­er­wise called “vod­casts”) that you can imme­di­ate­ly start con­sum­ing with Apple TV. These videos can also be found in our pod­cast library.

  • Arts & Cul­ture Vod­casts
    • New York­er Car­toons iTunes Feed
      • Catch ani­mat­ed ver­sions of The New York­er’s famous car­toons.
    • Son­ny Rollins Pod­cast iTunes Feed Web Site
      • A 12-part video pod­cast series (to be released in month­ly install­ments) that intro­duces Son­ny Rollins, one of our jazz greats.
    • Sun­dance Film Fes­ti­val iTunes Web Site
      • Get behind the scenes cov­er­age at the lat­est stag­ing of the influ­en­tial Sun­dance Film Fes­ti­val.
  • For­eign Lan­guage Lessons
    • Ler­nen Wir Deutsch! iTunes Feed Web Site
      • A series of edu­ca­tion­al and enter­tain­ing video pod­casts that will teach you Ger­man.
    • Japan­ese Class iTunes Web Site
      • These video­casts from the Kyoto Japan­ese Lan­guage School use video to demon­strate how to writein Japan­ese.
  • News & Infor­ma­tion
  • Sci­ence
    • Cam­bridge Uni­ver­si­ty Sci­ence Fes­ti­val iTunes Web Site
    • Dis­cov­ery Chan­nel Video Pod­casts iTunes Feed Web Site
      • A trove of video pod­casts from Dis­cov­ery. It includes Ever­est — Beyond the Lim­it (iTunes).
    • NASAcast iTunes Feed Web Site
      • A series of the lat­est videos from NASA.
    • Nation­al Geo­graph­ic’s Wild Chron­i­cles iTunes Feed Web Site
      • “See the nat­ur­al world like nev­er before through the eyes of Nation­al Geo­graph­ic adven­tur­ers, sci­en­tists, researchers, and the extra­or­di­nary Crit­ter­cam.”
    • NOVA iTunes Feed Web Site
      • A series of short vod­casts from NOVA.
  • Tech­nol­o­gy
    • Adobe Cre­ative Suite Video Pod­cast iTunes Feed Web Site
      • Ter­ry­White teach­es you how to unlock the pow­er of Cre­ative Suite with visualex­am­ples. Empha­sis gets placed on inDe­sign and Pho­to­shop.
    • InDig­i­tal iTunes Feed Web Site
      • A pop­u­lar video pod­cast focus­ing on the lat­est gad­gets and high-tech prod­ucts.
    • GeekBrief.TV Video Pod­cast iTunes Feed Web Site
      • Fea­tur­ing­Cali Lewis, this “fast, fun and flir­ty” vod­cast explores news­about tech toys and tools. Gen­er­al­ly very well reviewed by users.
    • Dig­gna­tion iTunes Feed Web Site
      • A week­ly web cul­ture pod­cast that focus­es on the tops sto­ries on, the pop­u­lar social con­tent web site. Host­ed by Kevin Rose and Alex Albrecht.
  • Uni­ver­si­ty
    • INSEAD­’s Lead­er­cast iTunes Web Site
      • A series of video pod­casts that come out of one of Europe’s elite busi­ness pro­grams.
    • Stan­ford Uni­ver­si­ty
      • Mod­ern The­o­ret­i­cal Physics: Quan­tum Entan­gle­ment iTunes Web Info
        • A cut­ting edge physics video course taught by Leonard Susskind, one of the lead­ing fig­ures in the field.
        • Host­ed by Ted Kop­pel, this pan­el dis­cus­sion focus­es on the glob­al chal­lenges that we’re fac­ing in this cen­tu­ry. Pan­elists include: Supre­me­Court Jus­tice Antho­ny Kennedy, for­mer Sec­re­tary of State GeorgeSchultz, for­mer Sec­re­tary of Defense William Per­ry, Yahoo co-Founder

          Jer­ry Yang, and Stan­ford Pres­i­dent John Hen­nessy, among oth­ers.

    • The Uni­ver­si­ty Chan­nel iTunes Feed Web Site
      • Prince­ton­has assem­bled a col­lec­tion of pub­lic affairs lec­tures, pan­els ande­vents from aca­d­e­m­ic insti­tu­tions all over the world. You can find

        lec­tures here from some of the world’s lead­ing thinkers.

    If we’re miss­ing any­thing great, please drop us a line.

Apple TV: Turn Your TV into a Smart Box

Appletv3_3When Steve Jobs announced Apple’s new line­up of gad­gets at Mac­world in Jan­u­ary (lis­ten on iTunes or stream it), all eyes were focused on the planned release of the iPhone. Rel­a­tive­ly lost in the com­mo­tion, how­ev­er, was Apple TV, which start­ed ship­ping this week. (Check it out in our Ama­zon store.) Despite the name, Apple TV does­n’t come with a TV. But, for $299, you do get a piece of hard­ware that lets you wire­less­ly sync your iTunes col­lec­tion to your widescreen TV. And, with that, you can watch down­loaded movies, TV shows, and video pod­casts in a much more suit­able and plea­sur­able envi­ron­ment. (Even­tu­al­ly, you’ll be able to watch videos via Apple TV in high def.) If giv­en the choice between watch­ing your video down­loads on a small iPod screen or a cushy plas­ma TV in your liv­ing room, the deci­sion becomes a no-brain­er. The new gad­get instant­ly makes Apple a cred­i­ble play­er in the video dis­tri­b­u­tion mar­ket, and it clear­ly fur­thers along the com­pa­ny’s trans­for­ma­tion into a more diver­si­fied con­sumer-elec­tron­ics and media com­pa­ny.

For Open Cul­ture read­ers, Apple TV has some ben­e­fits on the near hori­zon. Over the past sev­er­al months, we’ve noticed more pod­casts com­ing out in a video fla­vor. (See our pod­cast library.) And that trend should only pick up over time. (Indeed, Robert X. Cring­ley, the astute observ­er of tech trends, fore­sees a video glut this year that could over­whelm the cur­rent capac­i­ty of the Net.) Thanks to Apple TV, you might soon be able to use your tele­vi­sion as much as your iPod to con­sume high qual­i­ty cul­tur­al con­tent. And this may become all the more true if the rumors pan out that Apple and Google have been talk­ing about dis­trib­ut­ing Google Video through iTunes. Just think of the pos­si­bil­i­ties that lie ahead.

For more infor­ma­tion on Apple TV, you can vis­it Apple’s site, check out the cov­er­age on Engad­get and CNET, or watch the Wal­ter Moss­berg video below.

Steve Jobs on DRM: The Business Strategy Behind the Manifesto

JobsdrmMost of the out­side world did­n’t care. They did­n’t even know what Steve Jobs was talk­ing about. But with­in tech cir­cles it was a big deal, a land­mark moment. Jobs’ s anti-DRM man­i­festo, Thoughts on Music, moved us all clos­er to the day when music would be set free. (DRM = Dig­i­tal Rights Man­age­ment. Get more info here.) The reac­tion in the tech press was, of course, jubi­lant. Here’s a quick sam­ple reac­tion from the major tech blog, Giz­mo­do:

“Steve Jobs dropped a big one on us today, and no it was­n’t a new Mac­Book. Instead it was his anti-DRM Man­i­festo, a state of the union for the music indus­try so to speak. In a nut­shell, he advised the music indus­try to give up on DRM. It won’t work. There are smart peo­ple cir­cum­vent­ing this stuff, and with all the CDs being ripped in the world, just give up on it.

Amaz­ing to hear the man speak with­out the PR mouth­piece, with­out regards to any­thing but what he feels is right for the world. He even throws the iPod/iTunes monop­oly to the wind with these notions.”

Now before we start a peti­tion to can­on­ize Jobs, it seems worth reflect­ing for a moment on whether St. Steve found reli­gion, or whether Jobs was just being a bril­liant CEO … yet again. And that’s why its worth giv­ing a lis­ten to Robert X. Cringe­ly’s recent pod­cast arti­cle DRM Catch­er (iTunes — Feed). (You can also read the text ver­sion here.) Cringe­ly is a par­tic­u­lar­ly astute observ­er of how tech­nol­o­gy trends dove­tail with busi­ness strate­gies, and he’s right to see Jobs’ man­i­festo as dri­ven less by ideals than by what makes the most busi­ness sense for Apple at this par­tic­u­lar moment. DRM helped put Apple into its mar­ket lead­er­ship posi­tion. Now, hav­ing a lock on 75% of the mar­ket, the best way to sell more iPods is to drop DRM. It’s smart busi­ness think­ing that you see at work here, not altru­ism. You can bet on that.

Give the pod­cast some of your time, and be sure to lis­ten to the part about Google’s ambi­tious web strat­e­gy, which ties into his recent think­ing (see this piece) about the big plans that Google has on the hori­zon.

Apple Warns iPod Users Against Using Vista … For Now

Itunesimage_1Here’s a quick warn­ing for our read­ers who enjoy lis­ten­ing to pod­casts on iPods.

From CNET:

“Apple has warned Win­dows users run­ning its iTunes soft­ware that they should wait for its next update before upgrad­ing their PCs to Microsoft­’s new Win­dows Vista oper­at­ing sys­tem.

The Cuper­ti­no, Calif.-based com­pa­ny cit­ed a vari­ety of com­pat­i­bil­i­ty issues that may cause fric­tion between the media play­er soft­ware, its accom­pa­ny­ing iPod play­er, and Vista. Among these prob­lems is an inabil­i­ty to play music or video pur­chased from the iTunes Store, prob­lems syn­chro­niz­ing address book con­tact and cal­en­dar func­tions, and slowed run­time. Addi­tion­al­ly, there is a chance that plug­ging an iPod into a com­put­er run­ning Vista may cor­rupt the device.”

Click here to read the full arti­cle.

Steve Jobs Presents the iPhone and the Podcast World Reacts

Each year, Steve Jobs kicks off Mac­World with a big address, which either con­firms or quash­es all the rumors and spec­u­la­tion about the new wave of Apple prod­ucts. It’s usu­al­ly a big deal, and this year did­n’t dis­ap­point. Jobs deliv­ered with flair the iPhone, which Apple hopes will rev­o­lu­tion­ize the cell phone mar­ket as the iPod did the portable music play­er mar­ket, if not the entire music mar­ket itself. And then there is Apple TV, which will let you wire­less­ly play your iTunes con­tent (movies, TV shows, music, pho­tos and pod­casts) on your widescreen TV.

If you have some down­time, you can check out the video of Jobs’ speech on iTunes or via Quick­Time. For ini­tial thoughts on the iPhone, you may want to read David Pogue’s and Wal­ter Moss­berg’s ear­ly reviews (and also Pogue’s iphone FAQ), and for com­men­tary across the pod­cast world, you can lis­ten in on:

  • GeekBrief.TV’s quick sur­vey of announce­ments iTunes Feed
  • Engad­get’s pod­cast com­men­tary of new prod­ucts iTunes Feed
  • Mac­World’s review of the keynote and new prod­ucts iTunes Mp3 Stream
  • Robert X. Cring­ley’s take on Apple’s trade­mark con­flict with Cis­co iTunes Feed
  • MacBreak Week­ly iTunes Feed
  • Forum on Tech­nol­o­gy & Soci­ety — A pan­el dis­cus­sion on the new gad­gets and how they affect our soci­ety iTunes Feed

Also see Open Cul­ture’s Tech­nol­o­gy Pod­cast Col­lec­tion.

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