An Introduction to Consumer Neuroscience & Neuromarketing: A Free Online Course from the University of Copenhagen

Thomas Zoë­ga Ram­søy, a neu­ropsy­chol­o­gist at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Copen­hagen, presents An Intro­duc­tion to Con­sumer Neu­ro­science & Neu­ro­mar­ket­ing, a course that explores the fol­low­ing set of ques­tions:

How do we make deci­sions as con­sumers? What do we pay atten­tion to, and how do our ini­tial respons­es pre­dict our final choic­es? To what extent are these process­es uncon­scious and can­not be reflect­ed in overt reports? This course will pro­vide you with an intro­duc­tion to some of the most basic meth­ods in the emerg­ing fields of con­sumer neu­ro­science and neu­ro­mar­ket­ing. You will learn about the meth­ods employed and what they mean. You will learn about the basic brain mech­a­nisms in con­sumer choice, and how to stay updat­ed on these top­ics. The course will give an overview of the cur­rent and future uses of neu­ro­science in busi­ness.

You can take Intro­duc­tion to Con­sumer Neu­ro­science & Neu­ro­mar­ket­ing for free by select­ing the audit option upon enrolling. If you want to take the course for a cer­tifi­cate, you will need to pay a fee.

Intro­duc­tion to Con­sumer Neu­ro­science & Neu­ro­mar­ket­ing will be added to our list of Free Busi­ness Cours­es, a sub­set of our col­lec­tion: 1,700 Free Online Cours­es from Top Uni­ver­si­ties.

Relat­ed Con­tent:

For a com­plete list of online cours­es, please vis­it our com­plete col­lec­tion, 1,700 Free Online Cours­es from Top Uni­ver­si­ties.

For a list of online cer­tifi­cate pro­grams, vis­it 200 Online Cer­tifi­cate & Micro­cre­den­tial Pro­grams from Lead­ing Uni­ver­si­ties & Com­pa­nies, which fea­tures pro­grams from our part­ners Cours­era, Udac­i­ty, Future­Learn and edX.

And if you’re inter­est­ed in Online Mini-Mas­ters and Mas­ter’s Degrees pro­grams from uni­ver­si­ties, see our col­lec­tion: Online Degrees & Mini Degrees: Explore Mas­ters, Mini Mas­ters, Bach­e­lors & Mini Bach­e­lors from Top Uni­ver­si­ties.
