Even if you don’t speak ItalÂian, you can make a decent guess at the meanÂing of the word manÂgiaÂmacÂcheroni. The tricky bit is that macÂcheroni refers not to the pasÂta EngÂlish-speakÂers today call macÂaÂroni, tubuÂlar and cut into small curved secÂtions, but to pasÂta in genÂerÂal. Or at least it did around the turn of the twenÂtiÂeth cenÂtuÂry, when i manÂgiaÂmacÂcheroni still had curÂrenÂcy as a nickÂname for the inhabÂiÂtants of the pasÂta-proÂducÂtion cenÂter that was Naples. That idenÂtiÂty had already been long estabÂlished even then: Atlas ObscuÂra’s Adee Braun quotes Goethe’s obserÂvaÂtion, on a trip there in 1787, that pasÂta “can be bought everyÂwhere and in all the shops for very litÂtle monÂey.”
Some espeÂcialÂly hard-up NeapoliÂtans could even eat it for free, or indeed get paid to eat it, proÂvidÂed they were preÂpared to do so at great speed, in full pubÂlic view — and, as was the cusÂtom at the time, with their bare hands. “Many tourists took it upon themÂselves to orgaÂnize such specÂtaÂcles,” Braun writes. “SimÂply tossÂing a coin or two to the lazÂzaÂroni, the street begÂgars, would elicÂit a mad dash to conÂsume the macÂaÂroni in their charÂacÂterÂisÂtic way, much to the amuseÂment of their onlookÂing beneÂfacÂtors.” As you can see in the EdiÂson film above, shot on the streets of Naples in 1903, their macÂcheroni came in long strands, more like what we know as spaghetÂti. (ForÂtuÂnateÂly, if that’s the word, tomaÂto sauce had yet to catch on.)
“On my first visÂit there, in 1929, I acquired a disÂtaste for macÂaÂroni, at least in Naples, for its insaluÂbriÂous courtÂyards were junÂgles of it,” writes WaverÂley Root in The Food of Italy. “Limp strands hung over clothesÂlines to dry, dirt swirled through the air, flies setÂtled to rest on the exposed pasÂta, pigeons bombed it from overÂhead,” and so on. By that time, what had been an arisÂtoÂcratÂic dish cenÂturies earÂliÂer had long since become a staÂple even for the poor, owing to the proÂto-indusÂtriÂalÂizaÂtion of its proÂducÂtion (which MusÂsoliÂni would reloÂcate and greatÂly increase in scale). NowaÂdays, it goes withÂout sayÂing that Italy’s pasÂta is of the highÂest qualÂiÂty. And though ItalÂians may not have inventÂed the stuff, which was origÂiÂnalÂly brought over from the MidÂdle East, perÂhaps they did invent the mukÂbang.
RelatÂed conÂtent:
When ItalÂian FuturÂists Declared War on PasÂta (1930)
A Free Course from MIT TeachÂes You How to Speak ItalÂian & Cook ItalÂian Food All at Once
Julia Child Shows Fred Rogers How to Make a Quick & DeliÂcious PasÂta Dish (1974)
HisÂtorÂiÂcal ItalÂian CookÂing: How to Make Ancient Roman & Medieval ItalÂian DishÂes
Based in Seoul, ColÂin Marshall writes and broadÂcasts on cities, lanÂguage, and culÂture. His projects include the SubÂstack newsletÂter Books on Cities and the book The StateÂless City: a Walk through 21st-CenÂtuÂry Los AngeÂles. FolÂlow him on the social netÂwork forÂmerÂly known as TwitÂter at @colinmarshall.
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