A CharÂlie Brown ChristÂmas uses a cast of amaÂteur child voice actors, deals with the theme of seaÂsonÂal depresÂsion, and culÂmiÂnates in the recitaÂtion of a Bible verse, all to a jazz score. It was not, safe to say, the speÂcial that CBS had expectÂed, to say nothÂing of its sponÂsor, the Coca-Cola ComÂpaÂny. In all likeÂliÂhood, it would have been canÂceled, but seeÂing as it had already been announced and proÂmotÂed (and in any case, was comÂpletÂed only a few days before it was schedÂuled to air), the show went on. In the event, not only did it please the viewÂers of AmerÂiÂca, it went on to become one of the most beloved pieces of ChristÂmas aniÂmaÂtion — and that jazz score went on to become one of the most beloved ChristÂmas albums.
In the new DigÂging the Greats video above, bassist BranÂdon Shaw breaks down some of the disÂtinÂguishÂing charÂacÂterÂisÂtics of Vince GuaralÂdi’s score, with help from drumÂmer Ryan Shaw (not just BranÂdon’s brothÂer, but also a musiÂcian with his own direct conÂnecÂtion to Peanuts proÂducÂtions) and pianist JonÂtĂ© Moore.
“There’s beauÂty, because of the major 9 soundÂing, but there’s, like, this tenÂsion,” Moore explains while playÂing the immeÂdiÂateÂly recÂogÂnizÂable chords of “ChristÂmasÂtime Is Here.” “SomeÂthing’s maybe missÂing: it could be peoÂple who have lost a loved one, or are maybe just tired of the holÂiÂday seaÂson, so they have this weight that they carÂry.” We’re a long way indeed from the insipid cheer of many a holÂiÂday proÂducÂtion.
“ChristÂmasÂtime Is Here” may be the sinÂgle most influÂenÂtial piece of A CharÂlie Brown ChristÂmas’ musiÂcal legaÂcy. But it’s best heard in the conÂtext of the whole soundÂtrack, where it sounds of a piece with the “jazz arrangeÂments of ChristÂmas clasÂsics,” as Shaw puts it, as well as with “Linus and Lucy,” the Peanuts theme song GuaralÂdi had preÂviÂousÂly comÂposed. This coherÂent aesÂthetÂic and senÂsiÂbilÂiÂty — the comÂposer’s, of course, but also that of the world Charles Schulz creÂatÂed — goes a long way toward makÂing the project not just a colÂlecÂtion of ChristÂmas songs, but an endurÂing ChristÂmas album: one that, over the next couÂple of days, even those of us withÂout enthuÂsiÂasm for ChristÂmas music in genÂerÂal will be spinÂning as many times as we can get away with.
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Charles Schulz Draws CharÂlie Brown in 45 SecÂonds and ExorÂcisÂes His Demons
The EndurÂing Appeal of Schulz’s Peanuts — PretÂty Much Pop: A CulÂture PodÂcast #116
Based in Seoul, ColÂin Marshall writes and broadÂcasts on cities, lanÂguage, and culÂture. His projects include the SubÂstack newsletÂter Books on Cities and the book The StateÂless City: a Walk through 21st-CenÂtuÂry Los AngeÂles. FolÂlow him on the social netÂwork forÂmerÂly known as TwitÂter at @colinmarshall.
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