Bruce Springsteen Endorses Kamala Harris & Makes the Case Against Donald Trump

The Boss speaks the truth in a din­er. Find it on Insta­gram.

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  • Kyle says:

    Wow, anoth­er rich celebri­ty telling me who i should vote for. They should all keep their mouths shut and keep pol­i­tics to them­selves.

  • Beth Rossi says:

    Bruce Spring­steen has as much right to tell you about his views as you do. He did­n’t tell you who you should vote for, be sim­ply said who he was vot­ing for.

  • Kyle says:

    That’s what pol­i­tics should be about mak­ing the case for a can­di­date — thanks Bruce
    What it shouldn’t be about is lying, spread­ing hate, and mak­ing stuff up about a rival- boo trump and vance

  • Dh says:

    And yet if he had endorsed Don the felon you would be singing his prais­es.

  • Anthony Guastel says:

    As usu­al, Bruce is a Com­mu­nist elit­ist, not a Demo­c­rat. I remem­ber his asi­nine refusal to allow Dawn Hall to meet him at a con­cert in the 1980s. He is and always has been a Demo­c­ra­t­ic hack. Not an Amer­i­can, Not a Con­sti­tu­tion­al lov­ing Amer­i­can but a par­ty man who has all of his dues paid up for his enslav­ing mas­ters. Sup­ports a trai­tor for pres­i­dent, who advo­cates the ruina­tion of the coun­try and loves to have chil­dren mur­dered until birth as well. Allowed the sick­en­ing spec­ta­cle of the bor­der and the untold mis­ery this has caused to so many peo­ple. He does not feel or see this as he is a mul­ti mil­lion­aire, liv­ing in opu­lence and sur­round­ed by armed guards. Spring­steen is just a ter­ri­ble and worth­less per­son. yes, he is enti­tled to his worth­less opin­ion but I am enti­tled to call him out on it.

  • Beverly Hagen says:

    Well said !!!!!!

  • Frost says:

    Fuc. Bruce anti Amer­i­can born in the USA!!!!

  • Bo says:

    Super rich musi­cian, claim­ing famer sta­tus on his huge acreages to avoid tax­es, wants to give his opin­ion to the “com­mon man”

    Freak­ing 1%‘er putz

  • 2serve4Christ says:

    GOP & DNC dif­fer­ent sides of the same “cor­rupt cor­po­rate geno­ci­dal” coin

    Facts about Amer­i­cans illus­trat­ing “noth­ing will fun­da­men­tal­ly change” fail­ures of billionaires/corporations that con­trol the cor­po­rate duop­oly of the GOP and DNC

    39% of Amer­i­cans have skipped meals to pay their rent; 44% of mil­len­ni­als
    25% of Amer­i­cans live with med­ical debt
    61% of Amer­i­cans live pay­check to pay­check
    37% per­cent of Amer­i­cans could not afford an unex­pect­ed $400 expen­di­ture
    +15.8% “All Goods” Infla­tion (since 2018)
    +19.7% “Food at Home” Infla­tion (since 2018)

    In 2020, 46% of Amer­i­can renters spent 30% or more of their income on hous­ing, includ­ing 23% who spent at least 50% of their income on hous­ing

    Renters across the U.S. have seen the aver­age rent rise 18% over the last five years, out­pac­ing infla­tion

    Evic­tion/­fore­clo­sure-relat­ed moves rose 56% from 2021 to 2022

  • Walter H says:

    Too bad you couldn’t stick to shar­ing cul­ture.

  • KK says:

    It’s incom­pre­hen­si­ble to me that there are those who live in your sort of delu­sion­al real­i­ty. Do you ever think for your­self? Do you ever actu­al­ly get out into the real world and real­ize the absur­di­ty of what you’ve come to (pos­si­bil­i­ty) believe? Those sort of ridicu­lous lies are meant to incite fear and divi­sion in order to assert con­trol. Get a grip, take back your intel­li­gence.

  • KK says:

    Pre­vi­ous com­ment was in response to Mr. Guas­tel

  • Dacryon says:

    Why are we talk­ing pol­i­tics? Open Cul­ture should­n’t be a space for par­ti­san­ship.

  • Kitty says:

    His fans were ask­ing. BTW he earned his mon­ey. Nev­er sold out in a TV real­i­ty show. Didn’t inher­it the wealth. Is he rich? did you look it rip? Not a draft dodger, wrote “Born In The USA.”

  • Donna Hall says:

    It nev­er ceas­es to amaze me how peo­ple leave their intel­li­gence at the door when dis­cussing the elec­tion! They believe any­thing they hear with­out real­ly lis­ten­ing to what is being said. It is every Amer­i­can’s right to tell their polit­i­cal pref­er­ence with­out being insult­ed. It is a mat­ter of agree to dis­agree and noth­ing more. If you real­ly lis­ten to the cam­paign speech­es from both can­di­dates, it isn’t hard to pick out who the narsci­sist is, who is ground­ed in real­i­ty and who is not, and who real­ly cares about Amer­i­ca and its peo­ple, rich OR poor. So I chal­lenge you … do You real­ly lis­ten? Do you do your own research? I thought not. We have rights. Don’t throw them away by get­ting swept away by the hype. Use your intel­li­gence. It is need­ed now more than ever!

  • Lorna says:

    Mind your own busi­ness. I will vote who­ev­er I choose!!!

  • Brompton says:

    Imag­ine some­one with 34 felony count run­ning for the high­est office in the isur­rec­tion­ist, a delu­sion­al fool who refuse to believe he lost
    the elec­tion there­fore caus­ing the death of 4 men of hon­or. wait don’t image he’s real and he’s the head of the Repub­lic Par­ty , lololololol

  • Beverly says:

    I do watch,listen,research .… Trump is the only solu­tion! Really,want our Coun­try back,closed borders,use what we have worked for our whole lives…for our needy,our elder­ly our disabled,our dis­as­ters! Want edu­ca­tion for our Chil­dren our Grand­chil­dren! Want prices to be afford­able! Trump,Trump,Trump! Just look up the records,look at the Candidates,check the stories,check their past promis­es and history.…I believe the past actions are the person,not future promis­es! If you feel the need to call names,tell lies…go for it! I can back up what I believe,what I think! Every­one knows how they are try­ing every­thing to get rid of Trump.….Why?Why? Why not a legal elec­tion???? yea,we don’t have that,anymore!

  • Gurn says:

    I remem­ber back in the 80s, when Bruce was rel­e­vant. He was the hero of hard work­ing, blue col­lar music fans. Today, his fan base sup­ports Trump. Bruce aban­doned his base to side with oth­er obscene­ly wealthy Hol­ly­wood elites. Maybe Bruce’s time would be bet­ter spent help­ing hur­ri­cane vic­tims. Oh wait, scratch that. Appalachia is Trump coun­try.

  • Nicholas says:

    What have they made up?

    Har­ris flipped lets see 22 posi­tions. She is also in charge for 3.5 years. Now she’ll get tough on the bor­der

    Walz is aller­gic to the truth. From armed ser­vice to abor­tion bill, he’s a liar. He’s also has hon­ey­mooned in Chi­na. He’s also being inves­ti­gat­ed for cor­rupt Chi­nese ties.

    We won’t talk about Biden except remem­ber Har­ris said he was sharp as a tack.

    Actu­al­ly do your own research instead of lis­ten­ing to CNN and MSNBC.

    Har­ris said best econ­o­my ever

  • Nicholas says:

    Yeah almost like it’s politic. Can you tell me the counts? You know that 1919 law that was­nt applied till now.

    In sure the judge is fair. Oh wait is daugh­ter is a big wig in the den par­ty. Oh wait, he’s a big activist

    Just remem­ber before 2016 democ­rats loved Trump. They love every­one till you step out of line or aren’t use­ful to them.

    But hey Biden has only been a liar for 40 years. Har­ris can only talk on script. The coun­try is in the best hands doe WWIII

    Bruce has always been a hack and sell­out. Notice he does­n’t do any­thing to help but him­self

  • Debbie V says:

    This is so sad, bruce was asked his opin­ion, I remem­ber when peo­ple respect­ed peo­ples opin­ions and ideas and move on, not attack­ing and name call­ing, or destroy­ing prop­er­ty. The qual­i­fi­ca­tions for Pres­i­dent has changed dras­ti­cal­ly. If you read the opin­ion again he stat­ed why Amer­i­ca was great!!

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