Pliny the Younger may be best rememÂbered for writÂing the only eye-witÂness account of the destrucÂtion of PomÂpeii in 79 AD. It’s a memÂoÂrable letÂter still found in modÂern colÂlecÂtions of Pliny the Younger’s corÂreÂsponÂdence. There, you can also find a simÂple letÂter authored by Pliny, one that reflects not on a shatÂterÂing hisÂtorÂiÂcal event, but rather someÂthing we can all relate to: the anger the author felt upon getÂting ghostÂed by a friend. To set the scene, Pliny had invitÂed SepÂtiÂcius Clarus to join him for some food, wine, and conÂverÂsaÂtion. But his friend nevÂer showed up, and so Pliny fired off a snub letÂter, which actor and comeÂdiÂan Rob Delaney reads above at a LetÂters Live event. You can folÂlow along with the text below:
Shame on you! You promised to come to dinÂner, and you nevÂer came!
I’ll take you to court, and you will pay to the last penÂny for my lossÂes, and quite a sum! Ready for each of us were a letÂtuce, three snails, and two eggs, barÂley water with honÂey wine cooled with snow (you must add the cost of snow as well, in fact the snow in parÂticÂuÂlar, as it melts in the dish). There were olives, beetÂroot, gourds, onions, and countÂless othÂer delÂiÂcaÂcies no less eleÂgant. You would have heard perÂformÂers of comÂeÂdy, or a readÂer, or a lyre-playÂer, or even all three, such is my genÂerosÂiÂty!
But you preÂferred to dine at some nobody’s house, enjoyÂing oysÂters, sow’s tripe, sea urchins, and perÂformÂing-girls from Cadiz. You’ll be punÂished for this, I won’t say how. What boorÂishÂness was this! You begrudged perÂhaps yourÂself, and cerÂtainÂly me – but yes, yourÂself as well. What jokÂing and laughÂter and learnÂing we would have enjoyed!
You can dine in many housÂes on more elabÂoÂrate fare, but nowhere more genialÂly, innoÂcentÂly, and unguardÂedÂly. Farewell!
In the end, Pliny forÂgave his friend. For Pliny dedÂiÂcatÂed the first of his letÂter to SepÂtiÂcius, statÂing: “You have conÂstantÂly urged me to colÂlect and pubÂlish the more highÂly finÂished of the letÂters that I may have writÂten. I have made such a colÂlecÂtion… I can only hope that you will not have cause to regret the advice you gave, and that I shall not repent havÂing folÂlowed it.” You can read the colÂlecÂtion online here.
RelatÂed ConÂtent
The LitÂtle-Known BombÂing of PomÂpeii DurÂing World War II
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