How to Pour a Beer the Right Way


How do you pour a beer? You think you know the answer. You’re pour­ing the beer into a tilt­ed glass, and min­i­miz­ing the foam. Accord­ing to Max Bakker, a Mas­ter Cicerone (or som­me­li­er for beer), you’re get­ting it wrong. Above, he demon­strates the prop­er tech­nique. Watch and learn.

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Relat­ed Con­tent 

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  • Dr Trousers says:

    Yeah I kind of intu­itive­ly try to pour some­where between the two ways shown here. I had­n’t real­ly thought about the beer foam­ing in my stom­ach, but it just seems aes­thet­i­cal­ly wrong to me for a beer not to have some head on it. So I pour it down the side of the glass in such a way that the foam kind of swirls and forms a pleas­ing, pro­por­tion­ate head, that still does­n’t look like it’s just been chucked in the glass. I’m not a spe­cial­ist, I am a bar­man, but we serve draught keg and cask beer, so most of my bot­tled beer pour­ing is done for my own enjoy­ment.

  • Oggimon says:

    Thank you! I learned this about 30 years ago dur­ing a tour through the for­mer Olympia Brew­ery (Olympia, WA) and I haven’t poured the wrong way (or drunk from a bot­tle or can) ever since. I also get accused a lot of being a beer snob. This video is a great demon­stra­tion of why pour­ing the right way makes for a bet­ter expe­ri­ence all around.

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