David Byrne Answers the Internet’s Burning Questions About David Byrne

Is David Byrne the same as he ever was? Where is David Byrne’s big suit? Did David Byrne design bike racks? Above, David Byrne answers burn­ing (or, per­haps bet­ter said, Byrne-ing) ques­tions about him­self. This video comes from the WIRED Auto­com­plete Inter­view series, where famous peo­ple answer the inter­net’s most searched ques­tions about them­selves. Enjoy!

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Relat­ed Con­tent 

David Byrne’s Unusu­al Forms of Visu­al Art: Bike Racks, Cor­po­rate Signs & Pow­er­point Pre­sen­ta­tions

How David Byrne and Bri­an Eno Make Music Togeth­er: A Short Doc­u­men­tary

David Byrne: How Archi­tec­ture Helped Music Evolve

David Byrne Launch­es the “Rea­sons to Be Cheer­ful” Web Site: A Com­pendi­um of News Meant to Remind Us That the World Isn’t Actu­al­ly Falling Apart

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.