Journey’s Road Crew Performs a Pretty Flawless Version of “Separate Ways”

You nev­er know what the YouTube rec­om­men­da­tion algo­rithm will serve up next. Above, we have Jour­ney’s road crew per­form­ing “Sep­a­rate Ways” as part of a con­cert sound­check. And it turns out the crew has some real chops. At least accord­ing to the YouTube com­ments, the crew/band fea­tures Scott Apple­ton on gui­tar. (In recent years, he has served as the gui­tar tech for Rush’s Alex Life­son.) And on drums, we seem­ing­ly have Jim Han­d­ley, a Nashville-based drum­mer who per­forms in the Jour­ney trib­ute band, Res­ur­rec­tion. The actu­al per­for­mance starts around the 30 sec­ond mark. Enjoy.

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Relat­ed Con­tent:

Quar­an­tined Fam­i­ly Re-Cre­ates Journey’s “Sep­a­rate Ways” Video Shot-by-Shot

Watch Prince Play Jazz Piano & Coach His Band Through George Gershwin’s “Sum­mer­time” in a Can­did, Behind-the-Scenes Moment (1990)

Mer­ry Clay­ton Tells the Sto­ry of Her Amaz­ing Back­ing Vocal on The Rolling Stones’ “Gimme Shel­ter”

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Comments (6)
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  • Slick says:

    Road crew sounds bet­ter than the actu­al band

  • Shaun murphy says:

    Jour­ney toured to death. Yet the road crew sound­ed tight „Steve Augueri blew his voice out that’s why they replaced him. I am from Glouces­ter ma Steve augueri played a solo con­cert his voice was awful I felt bad for him he was a good enter­tain­er they toured so much that’s why Steve per­ry want­ed to leave to from road burn

  • Nelson Duviella says:

    Yes they sound­ed great. But I will still see the ori­gion­als.

  • Nelson Duviella says:

    Yes they sound­ed great. But I will still see the orig­i­nals

  • Tommy Chrietzberg says:

    Great job guys & I am a for­mer­ly signed songwriter..& have played gui­tar & sung for 40 years.It“s Music to my ears.

  • Joe Mora says:

    Those guys are incred­i­ble ‚i’m a jour­ney fan for almost 40 years and why peo­ple with such of tal­ent make a good band too ! Jour­ney will not be fore ever come on guys !

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