Travel from Rotterdam to Amsterdam in 10 Minutes by Boat: A 4k Timelapse

In 2013, a boat trav­eled from Rot­ter­dam to Ams­ter­dam, with a time­lapse cam­era installed 30 meters high. The result­ing film “gives a unique and stun­ning view of the old Dutch water­ways, in 4K.” And lots of bridges along the way.

All images were shot with a Canon 550d at an inter­val of 3 sec­onds. 30,000 pic­tures were tak­en in total. Ini­tial­ly, “the film could­n’t be pub­lished due to restric­tions. After a few years it was for­got­ten.” But now it has been res­ur­rect­ed, and it’s online.

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Relat­ed Con­tent:

16th-Cen­tu­ry Ams­ter­dam Stun­ning­ly Visu­al­ized with 3D Ani­ma­tion

How Venice Works: 124 Islands, 183 Canals & 438 Bridges

The Rijksmu­se­um in Ams­ter­dam Has Dig­i­tized 709,000 Works of Art, Includ­ing Famous Works by Rem­brandt and Ver­meer

Revis­it Scenes of Dai­ly Life in Ams­ter­dam in 1922, with His­toric Footage Enhanced by Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.