A new deal to start a new year: CoursÂera is offerÂing a $200 disÂcount on its annuÂal subÂscripÂtion plan called “CoursÂera Plus.” NorÂmalÂly priced at $399, CoursÂera Plus (now availÂable for $199) gives you access to 90% of CoursÂerÂa’s coursÂes, GuidÂed Projects, SpeÂcialÂizaÂtions, and ProÂfesÂsionÂal CerÂtifiÂcates, all of which are taught by top instrucÂtors from leadÂing uniÂverÂsiÂties and comÂpaÂnies (e.g. Yale, Duke, Google, FaceÂbook, and more). The $199 annuÂal fee–which transÂlates roughÂly to 55 cents per day–could be a good investÂment for anyÂone interÂestÂed in learnÂing new subÂjects and skills in 2025, or earnÂing cerÂtifiÂcates that can be added to your resume. Just as NetÂflix’s streamÂing serÂvice gives you access to unlimÂitÂed movies, CoursÂera Plus gives you access to unlimÂitÂed coursÂes and cerÂtifiÂcates. It’s basiÂcalÂly an all-you-can-eat deal.
You can try out CoursÂera Plus for 14 days, and if it doesÂn’t work for you, you can get your monÂey back. Explore the offer here. It expires on JanÂuÂary 27, 2025.
Note: Open CulÂture has a partÂnerÂship with CoursÂera. If readÂers enroll in cerÂtain CoursÂera coursÂes and proÂgrams, it helps supÂport Open CulÂture.
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