WhatÂevÂer marÂketÂing mateÂriÂals may claim, the Rolling Stones did not just hapÂpen upon BudÂdy Guy’s CheckerÂboard Lounge on Chicago’s South Side (before it closed, reopened in Hyde Park, then closed again for good) on a night when MudÂdy Waters hapÂpened to be there in 1981. And they did not sponÂtaÂneousÂly get invitÂed to jam, as it seems, when they “climbed over tables” to get onstage with their hero and blues legÂends BudÂdy Guy and Junior Wells.
A chance meetÂing, of course, would have been magÂiÂcal, but the truth is the event was probÂaÂbly “planned and coorÂdiÂnatÂed,” writes W. Scott Poole at PopÂmatÂters. These were the biggest names in the blues and rock and roll, after all. “Why,” before the Stones and their entourage arrive, “is there an empÂty table on the night MudÂdy Waters came back to SouthÂside?”
And why did the Rolling Stones’ manÂagÂer claim he “approached the CheckerÂboard highÂer-ups a week in advance,” Ted ScheinÂman writes at Slant, “proposÂing a surÂprise conÂcert and profÂferÂing $500 as proof-of earnest”?
Was it a cynÂiÂcal ploy to re-estabÂlish the band’s blues cred durÂing what would turn out to be the largest grossÂing tour of the year — one feaÂturÂing what JagÂger called “enorÂmous images of a guiÂtar, a car and a record — an AmerÂiÂcana idea.” In some sense, MudÂdy Waters was also an “AmerÂiÂcana idea,” but how could he be othÂerÂwise to the Stones, givÂen that they’d grown up lisÂtenÂing to him from across the Atlantic, assoÂciÂatÂing him with expeÂriÂences they had nevÂer known firstÂhand?
And so what if the hisÂtoric meetÂing at the CheckerÂboard Lounge was stage-manÂaged behind the scenes? That’s what manÂagers do — they arrange things behind the scenes and let perÂformÂers creÂate the illuÂsion of sponÂtaneÂity, as though they hadn’t spent an entire tour, or decades of tours, makÂing the same songs seem fresh on any givÂen night. When it comes to the blues, playÂing the same songs over again is a key part of the game, seeÂing how much attiÂtude and style one can wring out of a few chords, doggedÂly perÂsisÂtent themes of sex, love, death, betrayÂal, and maybe a botÂtleÂneck slide.
It’s a lesÂson the Stones learned well, and their adoÂraÂtion and respect for MudÂdy Waters is nothÂing less than genÂuine, even if it took some backÂstage negoÂtiÂaÂtion to bring them togethÂer this one and only time. MudÂdy is specÂtacÂuÂlar. “Even as one of the aging elder statesÂmen of the ChicaÂgo blues in 1981,” writes Poole, “he exudes an aura of sex and powÂer, showÂing off every attribute that so inspired Mick and KeiÂth and that became an inefÂfaÂble part of their own music and their perÂsona.”
MeanÂwhile, the absoluteÂly boyÂish glee on the faces of JagÂger, Richards, RonÂnie Wood, and Stones’ pianist Ian StewÂart as they perÂform onstage with an artist who had givÂen them so much more than just their name speaks for itself. The conÂcert video and live album “began appearÂing as bootÂleg and unofÂfiÂcial releasÂes almost immeÂdiÂateÂly,” AllÂmuÂsic notes, “from LP and CD to VHS and DVD.” Here, you can see them jam out three songs from the night: “Baby Please Don’t Go” (on which Waters brings JagÂger onstage at 5:30 for an extendÂed verÂsion and KeiÂth joins at 6:50), “ManÂnish Boy,” and “Hoochie Coochie Man.”
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
10-StoÂry High MurÂal of MudÂdy Waters Goes Up in ChicaÂgo
The Rolling Stones Release a Long Lost Track FeaÂturÂing Led Zeppelin’s JimÂmy Page
Josh Jones is a writer and musiÂcian based in Durham, NC. FolÂlow him at @jdmagness