The anti-disÂtracÂtion device is the modÂern mouseÂtrap: build a betÂter one, and the world will beat a path to your door. Or so, at least, will the part of the world engaged in the purÂsuits we’ve broadÂly labeled “knowlÂedge work.” Even among the knowlÂedge workÂers who’ve spent most of the past year in panÂdemÂic-promptÂed isoÂlaÂtion, many still feel besieged by unendÂing claims on their attenÂtion. Laments at havÂing been renÂdered unproÂducÂtive by conÂstant disÂtracÂtion go back at least to medieval times, but the proÂposed soluÂtions to this long-standÂing probÂlem change with — and reflect — the times. Take the “IsoÂlaÂtor,” the forÂmiÂdaÂble-lookÂing wearÂable machine above that debuted on the covÂer of July 1925’s SciÂence and InvenÂtion magÂaÂzine.
“PerÂhaps the most difÂfiÂcult thing that a human being is called upon to face is long, conÂcenÂtratÂed thinkÂing,” writes invenÂtor Hugo GernsÂback in the accomÂpaÂnyÂing artiÂcle. “Most peoÂple who desire thus to conÂcenÂtrate find it necÂesÂsary to shut themÂselves up in an almost soundÂproof room in order to go ahead with their work, but even here there are many things that disÂtract their attenÂtion.”
Even absent such nuiÂsances as “street noisÂes” and the “teleÂphone bell,” the mind seeks out its own disÂtracÂtions as if natÂuÂralÂly comÂpelled: “You will lean back in your chair and begin to study the patÂtern of the wallÂpaÂper, or you will see a fly crawl along the wall, or a winÂdow curÂtain will be movÂing back and forth, all of which is often sufÂfiÂcient to turn your mind away from the immeÂdiÂate task to be perÂformed.”
GernsÂbackÂ’s soluÂtion involves a large helÂmet, lined with cork and covÂered in felt, with a bafÂfle for breathÂing and glass eyeÂholes to see through. PaintÂed black but for two thin bands, the eyeÂholes make it “almost imposÂsiÂble to see anyÂthing except a sheet of paper in front of the wearÂer. There is, thereÂfore, no optiÂcal disÂtracÂtion here.” To preÂvent drowsiÂness, “the writer introÂduced a small oxyÂgen tank, attached to the helÂmet. This increasÂes the resÂpiÂraÂtion and livens the subÂject conÂsidÂerÂably.” And so we arrive at the setÂup picÂtured below, origÂiÂnalÂly capÂtioned, “The author at work in his priÂvate study aidÂed by the IsoÂlaÂtor. OutÂside noisÂes being elimÂiÂnatÂed, the workÂer can conÂcenÂtrate with ease upon the subÂject at hand.” The IsoÂlaÂtor’s patent appears just above, one of 80 for varÂiÂous invenÂtions that GernsÂback held in his lifeÂtime.
WhatÂevÂer the device conÂtributed to GernsÂbackÂ’s proÂducÂtivÂiÂty, there can be no quesÂtion that the man got a lot done. Not just a conÂtribÂuÂtor to SciÂence and InvenÂtion but also its pubÂlishÂer, he overÂsaw a small media empire whose othÂer periÂodÂiÂcals includÂed EveryÂday SciÂence and MechanÂics, SciÂenÂtifÂic DetecÂtive MonthÂly, the sinÂisÂter-soundÂing TechÂnocÂraÂcy Review, and AmazÂing StoÂries, which launched in 1926 as the first magÂaÂzine devotÂed entireÂly to sciÂence ficÂtion (or “sciÂenÂtificÂtion,” as GernsÂback called it). For his advanceÂment of the genre he was honÂored by the World SciÂence FicÂtion Society’s AnnuÂal AchieveÂment Awards, betÂter known as the “Hugos.” Pulp-ficÂtionÂal though the IsoÂlaÂtor may have looked in 1925 (as indeed it looks now), it repÂreÂsents a genÂuine effort to alleÂviÂate with techÂnolÂoÂgy a bothÂerÂsome aspect of the human conÂdiÂtion — and a preceÂdent for the new-and-improved isoÂlaÂtion helÂmets engiÂneered for the even more disÂtractÂing world in which we live a cenÂtuÂry on.
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
How to Focus: Five Talks Reveal the Secrets of ConÂcenÂtraÂtion
The BenÂeÂfits of BoreÂdom: How to Stop DisÂtractÂing YourÂself and Get CreÂative Ideas Again
What HapÂpens When You Spend Weeks, Months, or Years in SoliÂtary ConÂfineÂment
Based in Seoul, ColÂin MarÂshall writes and broadÂcasts on cities, lanÂguage, and culÂture. His projects include the SubÂstack newsletÂter Books on Cities, the book The StateÂless City: a Walk through 21st-CenÂtuÂry Los AngeÂles and the video series The City in CinÂeÂma. FolÂlow him on TwitÂter at @colinmarshall or on FaceÂbook.
There is a lot more inforÂmaÂtion in my book about Hugo GernsÂback. It is a biogÂraÂphy that he had writÂten while pubÂlishÂing in New York. I disÂcovÂered the manÂuÂscript in 2002 when we closed down GernsÂback PubÂliÂcaÂtions in New York and the book is availÂable today from AmaÂzon, Ir runs some 500 plus pages and is filled with GernsÂback preÂdicÂtions and disÂcovÂerÂies includÂing many of his patents. Go to–8
for more inforÂmaÂtion