PlenÂty of songs purÂport to tell stoÂries, and the narÂraÂtive balÂlad of course has a long enough hisÂtoÂry that the two forms cerÂtainÂly aren’t alien. But how do our lisÂtenÂing pracÂtices conÂdiÂtioned by pop music jibe with recÂogÂnizÂing and underÂstandÂing narÂraÂtive?
Singer/songwriter and short stoÂry author Rod Picott joins your hosts Mark LinÂsenÂmayÂer, EriÂca Spyres, and BriÂan Hirt to talk about clasÂsics by writÂers like Bob Dylan and JohnÂny Cash, forÂmaÂtive nightÂmares like “Leader of the Pack” and “Escape (The Pina ColaÂda Song), borÂderÂline casÂes like “BohemiÂan RhapÂsody,” and more. We also conÂsidÂer how this form relates to musiÂcal theÂater, music videos, soundÂtracks, and comÂmerÂcials.
We tried to stick to popÂuÂlar songs, but most of us are pretÂty old. You can lisÂten and read the lyrics if you’re not folÂlowÂing:
- “Mack the Knife” by BobÂby Darin
- “The Long Black Veil” by JohnÂny Cash
- “CowÂard of the CounÂtry” by KenÂny Rogers
- “Leader of the Pack” by The Shangri-Las
- “BohemiÂan RhapÂsody” by Queen
- “HurÂriÂcane” by Bob Dylan
- “Scenes from an ItalÂian RestauÂrant” by BilÂly Joel
- “Escape (The Pina ColaÂda Song)” by Rupert Holmes (Watch him on Burt SugÂarÂman’s MidÂnight SpeÂcial. Yes, there was a Taco Bell comÂmerÂcial that used this song.)
- “ParÂadise by the DashÂboard Light” by Meat Loaf (writÂten by Jim SteinÂman). Read Tim Quirk’s extenÂsive analyÂsis of this disÂturbÂing song.
- “Famous Blue RainÂcoat” by Leonard Cohen
- “Jack and Diane” by John Cougar MelÂlenÂcamp
- “GloÂry Days” by Bruce SpringÂsteen
- “ForÂtuÂnate Son” by CreeÂdence ClearÂwaÂter Revival
- “Tiger Tom Dixon’s Blues” by Rod Picott
Why these songs? Well, we found a few lists online:
- “InvenÂtoÂry: 26 Songs That are Just as Good as Short StoÂries” from the AV Club
- “15 Songs That Tell BetÂter StoÂries Than Your Favorite NovÂel” by Josue BrocÂca
- “168 Favorite Pop, Rock, and CounÂtry Songs That Tell a StoÂry” from FlourÂisÂhAnyÂway
Hear Mark interÂview Rod on NakedÂly ExamÂined Music. Learn more at
Hear more of this podÂcast at This episode includes bonus disÂcusÂsion you can access by supÂportÂing the podÂcast at This time, an update on Rod’s music plus politÂiÂcal disÂcusÂsion and more.
This podÂcast is part of the ParÂtialÂly ExamÂined Life podÂcast netÂwork.
PretÂty Much Pop: A CulÂture PodÂcast is the first podÂcast curatÂed by Open CulÂture. Browse all PretÂty Much Pop posts.