From Rick Steves comes a thought-provoking documentary that revisits the rise of fascism in Europe, reminding us of how charismatic figures like Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler came to power by promising to create a better future for their frustrated, economically depressed countries–a future that recaptured the glory of some mythologized past. Once in power, these fascist leaders replaced democracy with a cult of personality, steadily eroded democratic norms and truth, ratcheted up violence, and found scapegoats to victimize–something facilitated by the spread of conspiracy theories and propaganda through modern media. They would lead their nations into war, and ultimately ruin, but not before creating a playbook for other charismatic autocrats who entice voters with simplistic solutions to complex problems.
Originally aired on television, Steves has released the documentary on YouTube, hoping that 21st-century citizens can “learn from the hard lessons of 20th-century Europe.” The text accompanying his documentary reads as follows:
In this one-hour special, Rick travels back a century to learn how fascism rose and then fell in Europe — taking millions of people with it. We’ll trace fascism’s history from its roots in the turbulent aftermath of World War I, when masses of angry people rose up, to the rise of charismatic leaders who manipulated that anger, the totalitarian societies they built, and the brutal measures they used to enforce their ideology. We’ll see the horrific consequences: genocide and total war. And we’ll be inspired by the stories of those who resisted. Along the way, we’ll visit poignant sights throughout Europe relating to fascism, and talk with Europeans whose families lived through those times. Our goal: to learn from the hard lessons of 20th-century Europe, and to recognize that ideology in the 21st century.
The Story of Fascism (which will be added to our list of Free Documentaries) is recommended for students and adults alike. With World War II fading from living memory, we could use a good reminder, says Steves, of how “nationalism can be channeled into evil, and how our freedoms and democracies are not indestructible…in fact, they are fragile.”
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It’s very simple: in the late 18th century you had the French Revolution. That was a broadly based, legitimate revolution; the whole people participated. Against the hegemony of the church and the aristocracy.
In the late 19th century you had Marxism, which called for violent communist revolution. Literally a revolution brought about by ‘terror’. (That ultimately cost the lives of 150 million people. Source: Scott Manning — Communist bodycount.)
In response to violent Marxism you had violent Fascism.
Hitler literally said that the Marxist gangs were the example for his Fascist gangs.
Moral of the story: left-wing extremism creates right-wing extremism!
Ab, it’s actually not very simple, but perhaps your mind is.
It seems more like you are unable to respond to my point. So then attack the person?
My position remains: the radicalism of Marxism evokes the radicalism of Fascism! So politicians and political parties would do better to stay close to the moderate center. That is civilization!
Ab, I’m sorry, I’d like to take my previous post back. It was unnecessarily snarky and I really don’t like to be a jerk. It’s just that what you wrote gives very little consideration to actual history and your conclusion is too cute and rather annoyingly pointless. My apologies, no offense intended.
‘Cute’? Really?
You are clearly not able to have a reasoned discussion.
We have seen the same process in the past two decades in the West: in 2011 the Occupy Wall Street movement started, followed by the Fight for $15 movement in 2012 and a number of other protests. Until then, these were all relatively broadly supported social movements and protests. Things went wrong from Black Lives Matter in 2013, which was organized by Marxist activists (that’s what they confirmed themselves!): there were false claims and false figures, there was violence such as in Chicago, where the entire city center was destroyed and looted. There was a radical Defund the police movement. The racist Critical Race Theory and Woke were pushed on universities. Countless white people were then ‘cancelled’ there and at many other places. Later, you were no longer allowed to call men ‘men’ and women ‘women’. All insane Neo-Marxist — often anti-authoritarian — concepts. The polarization started already in the Obama era with his servant: Hillary Clinton who both long ago were sucked in to the leftist activism of Saul Linsky.
That all paved the way for Alt-right and later Trump!
Again: politicians and political parties would do better to stay close to the moderate center. And that is what Marxism by definition does not do!
Rick Steve’s is on PBS a known leftist network and I have a feeling he’s a committed leftist..maybe you should do stories on the beginning of communism and how dangerous socialism and communism is!!
How about not.
Marxism never called for a violent revolution. It was a natural process, an up-swelling of the masses.
You never read Marx did you?
Socialism and communism are two completely different belief systems. They should not be in the same sentence.
I used to be one that would respond with a sarcastic reply if I did not agree with a conversation, but that is the norm now in society especially between parties. As I get older I see how ineffective that is and an immediate turn off for a conversation. The authors explanation of the show sounds like something worth watching and hopefully open the eyes of people that can not see through what the main media has been doing in the past few years, one sided agenda, not actual news. I read a quote from someone that most everyone knows. He said referring to a presidential election “it’s not a popularity contest”. Vote for the best, not because of their party, smile, color, gender etc. I know, utopia. There are good people out there that do have the best interest for this great country, not an agenda for personal gain.
Fascism is not in any way, shape, or form right wing extremism. It is undeniably left wing extremism. You cannot have most reasonable people readily accept the brutal imposition of communism without the hammer that fascism provides. Whether National Socialism or Soviet Communism both ideologies come from the left. These were not competing adversarial philosophies, they were competing similar philosophies by two deranged human beings.
It’s always been the REPRESSION of national rights of the people (nationalist based social systems) by our rulers that has led to the wars & other problems the article alludes to above. Our rulers know it’s only by organizing as a people that we can demand our rights, so they use false ideologies to pit various social strata against each other & lie & vilify national unity — which is the only way we can be strong — while they splinter countries flooding them with outsiders & creating false borders (as have done empires).
The biggest war crimes were from the Al Lies. Most war crimes blamed on Germany were untrue or vastly exaggerated. The good guys lost the war. That’s why it’s illegal to question it in many countries that claim to have “freedom”.
Look at how Israel, a hive of villainy, does a real genocide, & politicians they have bought the world over are silent. Israel fears no consequences & their rulers do as their type has always done throughout history apart from the times they were temporarily forced to desist. Their fake religious supremacist belief should be outlawed.
If you read anything by Mussolini, and he has written a great deal, fascism is the “Third Way” choice combing the worst of both the left and right wings of extremism. This bickering of whether it’s either/or is a distraction.