Many peoÂple still have a major fear of mathÂeÂmatÂics, havÂing sufÂfered through school and not realÂly havÂing been in the right frame of mind to grasp conÂcepts that we’ve been told will come in handy in our future workÂing lives. When Britons get to the age of 16, many can choose to leave school, escapÂing the terÂror of math (or, as they say, maths).
But we shouldn’t live in fear, so along comes CitÂiÂzen Maths, a UK-based free online course that purÂports to help adults catch up with LevÂel 2 math (aka what a 16-year-old should know) withÂout getÂting hit with a ruler or a spit wad. The course is fundÂed by the UFI CharÂiÂtaÂble Trust, which focusÂes on proÂvidÂing free eduÂcaÂtion for adults.
The CitÂiÂzen Maths course curÂrentÂly conÂsists of three units—Proportion, UncerÂtainÂty, and RepÂreÂsenÂtaÂtion. AddiÂtionÂal secÂtions on PatÂtern and MeaÂsureÂments will soon folÂlow. All units come with videos and tests that take about an hour of the viewer’s time. As the narÂraÂtor says, you can “learn in safeÂty, withÂout fear of being told off or exposed.” The full course takes, on averÂage, about 20 hours.
And the tutoÂriÂals bring in the real world, not just the abstract. Ratios and odds are expeÂriÂenced through roulette, horse racÂing, and playÂing dice. UnderÂstandÂing insurÂance comes into the tutoÂrÂiÂal on makÂing deciÂsions. ModÂelÂing is explained by tryÂing to underÂstand weathÂer patÂterns. And proÂporÂtion is explained through bakÂing recipes and makÂing cockÂtails.
You will need a Google Account to get startÂed, though, for those withÂout one, there is a simÂple guide to get you startÂed. The tutoÂriÂals feaÂture YouTube instrucÂtion along with an embedÂded app called Scratch.
As of this post, three of the five secÂtions are availÂable, with the comÂplete course due up by next year. You can find more advanced Math coursÂes in our colÂlecÂtion of Free Online Math CoursÂes.
via BoingÂBoÂing
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
The UnexÂpectÂed Math Behind Van Gogh’s “StarÂry Night”
Ted Mills is a freeÂlance writer on the arts who curÂrentÂly hosts the FunkZone PodÂcast. You can also folÂlow him on TwitÂter at @tedmills, read his othÂer arts writÂing at and/or watch his films here.