Like myself, Adam SavÂage went to the travÂelÂing StanÂley Kubrick exhiÂbiÂtion at LACMA last year and stayed sevÂerÂal hours, just absorbÂing all the genius, from the scripts to the slates to the blueÂprints and the cosÂtumes to the props. Unlike myself, he went back two more times, that lucky man! Because the MythÂbuster noticed that the Hedge Maze prop in The ShinÂing secÂtion did not look like the one in the film in any way. In fact, it looked kinÂda cheap. So, being Adam SavÂage, a man for whom prop-makÂing is one of a series of childÂhood obsesÂsions turned jobs, he set out to accuÂrateÂly recreÂate the maze modÂel from the film.
In this fasÂciÂnatÂing video (top) from his YouTube series TestÂed, we get a step-by-step walkÂthrough of the process. The LACMA modÂel used plasÂtic foam; SavÂage goes for a sturÂdy parÂtiÂcle board, made to look like hedges through spray paint and flockÂing. His attenÂtion to detail goes down to the crowns at the tops of the outÂer maze wall, a newsÂpaÂper kiosk and miniaÂture map of the maze. He even geeks out (in the best way, of course!) about the scale modÂel figÂures (at $4 a pop) he buys to popÂuÂlate the maze. (StrangeÂly, there’s no repÂreÂsenÂtaÂtion of Jack, Wendy, DanÂny or even HalÂloÂran to be seen.)
Savage’s enerÂgy is infecÂtious and if some of us had the time (55 hours total) and income to do this–and an underÂstandÂing spouse–wouldn’t a lot of us love to travÂel down this rabÂbit hole?
The film ends with a nice surÂprise that I won’t spoil, but let’s just say the uniÂverse gets set right for once.
P.S. Does anyÂbody know what is writÂten on Savage’s workÂsheet? Is it his verÂsion of “All Work and No Play…”?
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
StanÂley Kubrick’s List of Top 10 Films (The First and Only List He Ever CreÂatÂed)
StanÂley Kubrick’s AnnoÂtatÂed Copy of Stephen King’s The ShinÂing
Ted Mills is a freeÂlance writer on the arts who curÂrentÂly hosts the FunkZone PodÂcast. You can also folÂlow him on TwitÂter at @tedmills and/or watch his films here.