There are myrÂiÂad New Year’s Eve cusÂtoms worldÂwide. In Japan, toshikoshi soba nooÂdles are eatÂen to bring in the comÂing year. In North AmerÂiÂca, findÂing someÂone to share a New Year’s Eve kiss with as the clock winds down has become a boon to the romanÂtiÂcalÂly-chalÂlenged. In GerÂmany, howÂevÂer, a difÂferÂent traÂdiÂtion has takÂen form: every year on DecemÂber 31st, TV netÂworks broadÂcast an 18-minute-long black and white two-hanÂder comÂeÂdy skit.
In 1963, Germany’s NordÂdeutschÂer RundÂfunk teleÂviÂsion staÂtion recordÂed a sketch entiÂtled DinÂner For One, perÂformed by the British comics FredÂdie FrinÂton and May WarÂden. The duo depictÂed an aging butÂler servÂing his arisÂtoÂcratÂic misÂtress, Miss Sophie, dinÂner on the occaÂsion of her 90th birthÂday.
Although four addiÂtionÂal spots have been set at the table, the nonagenarian’s friends have long since passed away, and the butÂler is forced to take their places in drinkÂing copiÂous amounts of alcoÂhol while toastÂing Miss Sophie’s health. HilarÂiÂty, as it is wont to do in such casÂes, ensues.
Since its iniÂtial recordÂing, the clip has become a New Year’s Eve staÂple in GerÂmany. Although DinÂner For One has nevÂer been broadÂcast in the U. S. or CanaÂda, the clip has spread throughÂout Europe to NorÂway, FinÂland, EstoÂnia, LithuaÂnia, AusÂtria, SwitzerÂland, and beyond the conÂtiÂnenÂt’s shores, to South Africa and AusÂtralia. In SweÂden, a bowdÂlerÂized 11-minute verÂsion of the clip has been proÂduced, where, for decency’s sake, much of the butler’s boozÂing was excised alongÂside its attenÂdant comedic effect. In DenÂmark, after the nationÂal teleÂviÂsion netÂwork failed to broadÂcast the sketch in 1985, an avalanche of viewÂer comÂplaints has guarÂanÂteed its subÂseÂquent yearÂly appearÂance. Although the catÂeÂgoÂry is now defunct, the clip held the GuinÂness World Record for Most FreÂquentÂly RepeatÂed TV ProÂgram. As for why the video’s garÂnered so much attenÂtion? No one’s realÂly sure. The Wall Street JourÂnal’s Todd Buell posits that the sketch’s easy to underÂstand EngÂlish comÂbined with a GerÂman longÂing for secuÂriÂty and simÂplicÂiÂty may have led to its iconÂic staÂtus. To me, howÂevÂer, it seems that the fineÂly tuned physÂiÂcal comÂeÂdy transÂlates readÂiÂly beyond any linÂguisÂtic boundÂaries, and simÂply hit the right note at the right time.
Above, you can view the origÂiÂnal 18-minute comedic opus and celÂeÂbrate New Year’s day in the same way that much of Europe brought in 2014 (don’t mind the GerÂman introÂducÂtion — the video is in EngÂlish). In future years, you can always find DinÂner for One in our colÂlecÂtion 4,000+ Free Movies Online: Great ClasÂsics, Indies, Noir, WestÂerns, DocÂuÂmenÂtaries & More.
From all of us at Open CulÂture to you, have a hapÂpy new year!
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
The Ramones Play New Year’s Eve ConÂcert in LonÂdon, 1977
A New Year’s Wish from Neil Gaiman
The Top 10 New Year’s ResÂoÂluÂtions Read by Bob Dylan