The whole catÂeÂgoÂry of cult movies is a slipÂpery one. EveryÂone knows what a horÂror flick or a WestÂern looks like but describÂing a cult movie is much more subÂjecÂtive. Cult movies can be any genre. They tend to be campy or kitschy or in some othÂer way very strange. Often they are either movies that are so weirdÂly and intenseÂly perÂsonÂal that they alienÂate and bafÂfle mainÂstreams audiÂences, or films that are such utter and comÂplete train wrecks that someÂhow they push through the mereÂly mediocre into the subÂlime. Or, in the best casÂes, both.
DanÂny Peary, in his semÂiÂnal 1981 book Cult Movies, put such high art movies as CitÂiÂzen Kane alongÂside midÂnight movie staÂples like Freaks (watch it free online) and El Topo. SomeÂhow that doesn’t feel right. HavÂing the supÂposed best (or secÂond best) movie ever made in the same catÂeÂgoÂry as a hapÂless mess like Troll 2 seems to be a disÂserÂvice to both movies, no matÂter how rabid the fanÂbase is.
For their list 30 Cult Movies That AbsoluteÂly EveryÂbody Must See, the writÂers of the webÂsite io9 wresÂtled with this exact issue:
We debatÂed a lot what we would conÂsidÂer a “cult movie” for the purÂposÂes of this list, and we mostÂly stuck to films that were not huge box-office hits and didÂn’t get masÂsive mainÂstream expoÂsure when they were first released. The films on this list mostÂly either flew under the radar or were conÂsidÂered masÂsive flops when they came out origÂiÂnalÂly.
Like any such list, there is plenÂty to be quibÂbled with — DonÂnie Darko is ranked highÂer than EraserÂhead? RealÂly? – but that’s realÂly just part of the fun. Below are a few cult movies that you can watch right now for free – two of which are on the io9 list.
Plan 9 from OutÂer Space – There’s a great scene in Tim Burton’s biopic Ed Wood where a cross-dressÂing Wood runs into Orson Welles at a bar. They share a drink and comÂmisÂerÂate about the difÂfiÂculÂties of being a visionÂary in HolÂlyÂwood. By all defÂiÂnÂiÂtions, Wood was as much of an auteur as Welles. His movies were a prism through which he worked through some very perÂsonÂal issues.
It’s just that, unlike Welles, Wood was a comÂiÂcalÂly inept and lazy filmÂmakÂer. CritÂic Michael Medved once dubbed his Plan 9 from OutÂer Space as the worst movie ever made. And it’s a hard to argue with that asserÂtion. Shots in the movie alterÂnate disÂoriÂentÂingÂly between day and night in the midÂdle of the same scene. The actÂing isn’t so much as woodÂen as somÂnamÂbuÂlisÂtic. The speÂcial effects are laughÂably childÂish –a flamÂing spaceÂcraft at one point of the movie was accomÂplished by setÂting a hubÂcap alight with some gasoÂline. Yet throughÂout the entire film, Wood’s boyÂish enthuÂsiÂasm shines through. Plan 9 might be terÂriÂble, but it’s also a lot of fun.
Night of the LivÂing Dead – Though George A. Romero’s Night of the LivÂing Dead was made for next to nothÂing, all of the production’s limÂiÂtaÂtions someÂhow turned into assets. The film’s grainy black-and-white cinÂeÂmatogÂraÂphy and hand-held camÂera gave Romero’s zomÂbie gore-fest a levÂel of realÂism that was unseen in horÂror movies up to that point — like a newsÂreel from the apocÂaÂlypse. The LivÂing Dead wound up being one of the most profÂitable movies of all time, which for investors proved to be unforÂtuÂnate. In what has to be one of the costliÂest clerÂiÂcal errors in movie hisÂtoÂry, the disÂtribÂuÂtors forÂgot to include a copyÂright stateÂment in credÂits. As a result, the movie quickÂly fell into the pubÂlic domain. Check it out.
Detour — Edgar G. Ulmer’s hastiÂly proÂduced film noir bears all the marks of a movie made on a shoeÂstring. The direcÂtion is ham handÂed. The actÂing is often shrill. A tale about toxÂic love and ill-gotÂten gains, Detour should have by all rights been anothÂer forÂgotÂten, disÂposÂable B‑movie. Yet someÂhow Ulmer manÂaged to capÂture lighÂinÂing in a botÂtle. “HauntÂing and creepy,” writes Roger Ebert. “An embodÂiÂment of the guilty soul of film noir. No one who has seen it has easÂiÂly forÂgotÂten it.”
You can find more cult clasÂsics in our colÂlecÂtion of 4,000+ Free Movies Online: Great ClasÂsics, Indies, Noir, WestÂerns, DocÂuÂmenÂtaries & More, includÂing The Wild Ride with Jack NicholÂson, BlueÂbeard (also directÂed by Edgar G. Ulmer), the 1962 indie horÂror film CarÂniÂval of Souls, DemenÂtia 13 (an earÂly FranÂcis Ford CopÂpoÂla horÂror film), and Abel Ferrara’s cult clasÂsic slashÂer film The Driller Killer.
Jonathan Crow is a Los AngeÂles-based writer and filmÂmakÂer whose work has appeared in Yahoo!, The HolÂlyÂwood Reporter, and othÂer pubÂliÂcaÂtions. You can folÂlow him at @jonccrow.