On his web site, forÂmer TalkÂing Heads frontÂman David Byrne writes:
I received this email last FriÂday mornÂing from my friend, BriÂan Eno. I shared it with my office and we all felt a great responÂsiÂbilÂiÂty to pubÂlish BriÂan’s heavy, worÂthy note. In response, BriÂan’s friend, Peter Schwartz, replied with an eye-openÂing hisÂtorÂiÂcal explaÂnaÂtion of how we got here. What’s clear is that no one has the moral high ground.
First comes Eno’s clearÂly heartÂfelt conÂdemÂnaÂtion of civilÂian deaths in Gaza (parÂticÂuÂlarÂly the death of chilÂdren) and AmerÂiÂca’s apparÂent indifÂferÂence to what’s hapÂpenÂing there:
Today I saw a picÂture of a weepÂing PalesÂtinÂian man holdÂing a plasÂtic carÂriÂer bag of meat. It was his son. He’d been shredÂded (the hosÂpiÂtal’s word) by an Israeli misÂsile attack — apparÂentÂly using their fab new weapon, flechette bombs. You probÂaÂbly know what those are — hunÂdreds of small steel darts packed around exploÂsive which tear the flesh off humans. The boy was Mohammed KhaÂlaf al-NawasÂra. He was 4 years old.
I sudÂdenÂly found myself thinkÂing that it could have been one of my kids in that bag, and that thought upset me more than anyÂthing has for a long time.
Then I read that the UN had said that Israel might be guilty of war crimes in Gaza, and they wantÂed to launch a comÂmisÂsion into that. AmerÂiÂca won’t sign up to it.
What is going on in AmerÂiÂca? I know from my own expeÂriÂence how slantÂed your news is, and how litÂtle you get to hear about the othÂer side of this stoÂry. But — for Christ’s sake! — it’s not that hard to find out. Why does AmerÂiÂca conÂtinÂue its blind supÂport of this one-sided exerÂcise in ethÂnic cleansÂing? WHY?
What folÂlows is part of futurÂist Peter Schwartz’s response, which, rich in hisÂtorÂiÂcal detail, splits the blame someÂwhere down the midÂdle. EchoÂing Byrne’s sense that the two sides have lost their moral posiÂtions, Schwartz notes:
Even though I have no supÂport for the Israeli posiÂtion I find the oppoÂsiÂtion to Israel quesÂtionÂable in its failÂure to be simÂiÂlarÂly outÂraged by a vast numÂber of othÂer moral horÂrors in the recent past and curÂrentÂly active. Just to name a few; CamÂboÂdia, Tibet, Sudan, SomaÂlia, Nicaragua, MexÂiÂco, ArgentiÂna, Liberia, CenÂtral African RepubÂlic, UganÂda, North Korea, Bosnia, KosoÂvo, Venezuela, SyrÂia, Egypt, Libya, ZimÂbabÂwe and espeÂcialÂly right now NigeÂria. The Arab Spring, which has become a dark winÂter for most Arabs and the large scale slaughÂter now underÂway along the borÂders of Iraq and SyrÂia are good examÂples of what they do to themÂselves. And our nations, the US, the Brits, the Dutch, the RusÂsians and the French have all played their parts in these othÂer moral outÂrages. The grueÂsome body count and social destrucÂtion left behind dwarfs anyÂthing that the Israelis have done. The only difÂferÂence with the Israeli’s is their claim to a moral high ground, which they long ago left behind in the refugee camps of Lebanon. They are now just a nation, like any othÂer, tryÂing to surÂvive in a hosÂtile sea of hate.
We should be clear, that givÂen the opporÂtuÂniÂty, the Arabs would driÂve the Jews into the sea and that was true from day one. There was no way back from war once a reliÂgious state was declared. So Israel, once comÂmitÂted to a nation state in that locaÂtion and grantÂed that right by othÂer nations have had no choice but to fight. In my view thereÂfore, neiÂther side has any shred of moral standÂing left, nor have the nations that supÂportÂed both sides…
I don’t think there is any honÂor to go around here. Israel has lost its way and comÂmits horÂrors in the interÂest of their own surÂvival. And the Arabs and PerÂsians perÂpetÂuÂate a conÂflict ridÂden neighÂborÂhood with almost no excepÂtions, fightÂing against each othÂer and with hate of Israel the only thing that they share.
To read the comÂplete exchange, head over to Byrne’s site and read Gaza and the Loss of CivÂiÂlizaÂtion.
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