DanÂish philosoÂpher Søren Kierkegaard—often conÂsidÂered the first existentialist—was born 200 years ago this past SunÂday in CopenÂhagen. WritÂing under pseuÂdoÂnyms like Johannes CliÂmaÂcus and Johannes de SilenÂtio, Kierkegaard attacked both the ideÂalÂism of conÂtemÂpoÂrary philosoÂphers Hegel and Schelling and the bourÂgeois comÂplaÂcenÂcy of EuroÂpean ChrisÂtenÂdom. A highÂly skilled rhetoriÂcian, Kierkegaard preÂferred the indiÂrect approach, deployÂing irony, ridicule, parÂoÂdy and satire in a paraÂdoxÂiÂcal search for indiÂvidÂual authenÂticÂiÂty withÂin a EuroÂpean culÂture he saw as beset by self-imporÂtant puffery and unthinkÂing mass moveÂments.
While milÂlions of readÂers have embraced Kierkegaard’s probÂing method, as many have also rejectÂed his faith-based conÂcluÂsions. NevÂerÂtheÂless, his strikÂingÂly eccenÂtric skewÂerÂing of the tepidÂly faithÂful and overÂly optiÂmistic breathed light and heat into the nineÂteenth cenÂtuÂry debates among modÂern ChrisÂtians as they conÂfrontÂed the findÂings of sciÂence and the chalÂlenges posed by world reliÂgions and mateÂriÂalÂist philosoÂphers like Karl Marx.
Marx and Kierkegaard’s many conÂtrasts and conÂtraÂdicÂtions are well repÂreÂsentÂed in Episode 4 of the BBC docÂuÂmenÂtary series Sea of Faith, “Prometheus Unbound” (part one at top, part two immeÂdiÂateÂly above). The 1984 six-part series—named in refÂerÂence to Matthew Arnold’s famous poem “Dover Beach” and hostÂed by radÂiÂcal theÂoloÂgian Don Cupitt—examÂines the ways in which the CoperÂniÂcan and DarÂwinÂian sciÂenÂtifÂic revÂoÂluÂtions and the work of critÂics of reliÂgious docÂtrine like Freud, Marx, NietÂzsche, Strauss, and Schweitzer shook the founÂdaÂtions of orthoÂdox ChrisÂtianÂiÂty. Here, Kierkegaard is played in reenÂactÂments with approÂpriÂate intenÂsiÂty by British actor ColÂin JeavÂons.
You can learn more about the docÂuÂmenÂtary series (and purÂchase DVDs) here. And for more on Kierkegaard, you would be well-served by lisÂtenÂing to WalÂter Kaufmann’s lecÂture above. For a lighter-heartÂed but still rigÂorÂous take on the philosoÂpher, be sure to catch the well-read, irrevÂerÂent gents at the ParÂtialÂly ExamÂined Life podÂcast in a disÂcusÂsion of Kierkegaard’s earnest and often disÂturbÂing defense of exisÂtenÂtial ChrisÂtianÂiÂty, The SickÂness Unto Death.
You can find more phiÂlosÂoÂphy docÂuÂmenÂtaries in our colÂlecÂtion, 285 Free DocÂuÂmenÂtaries Online.
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Josh Jones is a writer and musiÂcian based in WashÂingÂton, DC. FolÂlow him @jdmagness