LitÂerÂary jourÂnal ElecÂtric LitÂerÂaÂture has a misÂsion, to “use new media and innoÂvÂaÂtive disÂtriÂbÂuÂtion to return the short stoÂry to a place of promiÂnence in popÂuÂlar culÂture.” In so doing, they promise to delivÂer their quarÂterÂly, 5‑story antholÂoÂgy “in every viable mediÂum”: paperÂback, enhanced pdf, KinÂdle, and ePub. One clever way they proÂmote short ficÂtion is with a free, weekÂly sinÂgle-stoÂry feaÂture called “RecÂomÂmendÂed ReadÂing.” And with the help of an aniÂmaÂtor and a musiÂcian, ElecÂtric JourÂnal proÂduces what it calls a “SinÂgle SenÂtence AniÂmaÂtion” of each week’s recÂomÂmendÂed stoÂry.
As the jourÂnal describes these short videos, “SinÂgle SenÂtence AniÂmaÂtions are creÂative colÂlabÂoÂraÂtions. The writer selects a favorite senÂtence from his or her work and the aniÂmaÂtor creÂates a short film in response.” The SinÂgle SenÂtence AniÂmaÂtion above draws from from A.M. Homes’ “HelÂlo EveryÂbody,” as imagÂined by artist GretÂta JohnÂson and with music by Michael Asif. The aniÂmaÂtion capÂtures someÂthing of Homes’ “parÂticÂuÂlar blend of logÂic and unreÂalÂiÂty” as well as her strange and often unnervÂing twists of lanÂguage. Homes chose the serÂpenÂtine senÂtence:
They are makÂing their bodÂies their own—renovating, redecÂoÂratÂing, the body not just as corÂpus but as object of self-expresÂsion, a symÂbiÂotÂic relaÂtion between imagÂiÂnaÂtion and realÂiÂty.
Johnson’s aniÂmaÂtion imagÂines the body as Play-doh, a malÂleable subÂstance, unreÂstrictÂed by fixed forms.
In anothÂer “SinÂgle SenÂtence AniÂmaÂtion,” Ben Marcus’s intriÂcate “WatchÂing MysÂterÂies with My MothÂer” gets interÂpretÂed by Edwin RosÂtron, with music by Supreme Vagabond CraftsÂman. The senÂtence MarÂcus chose is:
We speak of havÂing one foot in the grave, but we do not speak of havÂing both feet and both legs and then one’s entire torÂso, arms, and head in the grave, inside a cofÂfin, which is covÂered in dirt, upon which is plantÂed a pretÂty litÂtle stone.
As Marcus’s senÂtence drills through clichĂ©d euphemism into the morÂbid and munÂdane, Rostron’s aniÂmaÂtion peels back layÂers of dead metaphor to encounter the proÂsaÂic.
ElecÂtric LitÂerÂaÂture’s RecÂomÂmendÂed ReadÂing series also feaÂtures free online stoÂries from Mary GaitÂskill, Clarice LispecÂtor, Peter Stamm, and many othÂers, in HTML, KinÂdle, or ePub. You can watch all of the SinÂgle SenÂtence AniÂmaÂtions here.
Josh Jones is a docÂtorÂal canÂdiÂdate in EngÂlish at FordÂham UniÂverÂsiÂty and a co-founder and forÂmer manÂagÂing ediÂtor of GuerÂniÂca / A MagÂaÂzine of Arts and PolÂiÂtics.