LisÂten, Old Sport, as far as that LeonarÂdo DiCaprio GatsÂby movie goes, I haven’t seen it. But I’ll bet a swimÂming pool of gin it’s nowhere near as funÂny as carÂtoonÂist Kate BeatÂon’s 3‑panel takes on F. Scott FitzgerÂald’s clasÂsic novÂel.
Of course, F. ScotÂt’s origÂiÂnal wasÂn’t exactÂly what one would call a knee slapÂper — whereÂas BeatÂon’s comÂic colÂlecÂtion, Hark! A Vagrant, merÂits a perÂmaÂnent spot in one’s bathÂroom library. BeatÂon’s take on The Great GatsÂby is by no means a litÂerÂal adapÂtaÂtion, but her mean-faced, venÂom-tongued creÂations get it spirÂiÂtuÂalÂly right. They also do a numÂber on Bronte, Jane Austen, NietÂzsche and ShakeÂspeare’s Julius CaeÂsar, to name but a few of the author’s othÂer litÂerÂary tarÂgets. (See her archive here.) Not bad for a CanaÂdiÂan with degrees in HisÂtoÂry and AnthroÂpolÂoÂgy. Is it wrong to think ZelÂda would approve?
At any rate, it’s high time someÂone blew the lid off of what’s behind the eyes of Dr. T.J. EckÂelÂberg. GratÂiÂfyÂing, too, to see Tom and Daisy’s child getÂting some long past due conÂsidÂerÂaÂtion. Now that I think about it, our comÂpulÂsion to keep beatÂing on boats against the curÂrent is kind of funÂny. Top drawÂer stuff, Old Sport, top drawÂer stuff.
Find works by F. Scott FitzgerÂald in our colÂlecÂtions of Free Audio Books and Free eBooks.
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- Ayun HalÂlÂiÂday is the author of a half dozen some books includÂing No Touch MonÂkey! And OthÂer TravÂel Lessons Learned Too Late.