Before Jim HenÂson joined Sesame Street in 1969, the great pupÂpeteer took on varÂiÂous projects durÂing the 60s, someÂtimes creÂatÂing experÂiÂmenÂtal films (for examÂple, the Oscar-nomÂiÂnatÂed short Time Piece), othÂer times proÂducÂing primers on pupÂpet makÂing, and then purÂsuÂing the occaÂsionÂal comÂmerÂcial project — like the one just uncovÂered by AT&T.
Back in 1963, HenÂson was asked to creÂate a short film for a Bell Data ComÂmuÂniÂcaÂtions SemÂiÂnar held in ChicaÂgo. The conÂferÂence orgaÂnizÂers sent a three-page memo to HenÂson outÂlinÂing the main themes of the conÂferÂence — one being the strange and someÂtimes fraught relaÂtionÂship between man and machine. HenÂson’s film only runs three minÂutes, but it gets the mesÂsage across … and then some.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Jim HenÂson TeachÂes You How to Make PupÂpets in VinÂtage Primer From 1969
Jim HenÂson CreÂates an ExperÂiÂmenÂtal AniÂmaÂtion ExplainÂing How We Get Ideas (1966)
Jim Henson’s OrigÂiÂnal, Spunky Pitch for The MupÂpet Show