The PlanÂet of the Apes film franÂchise began back in 1968, and it enjoyed a good run durÂing the 1970s. Now HolÂlyÂwood hopes to reboot the series with the release of Rise of the PlanÂet of the Apes, a new film starÂring James FranÂco, FreiÂda PinÂto, John LithÂgow and Andy Serkis. You don’t need to watch the film to get the gist of the plot: Chimps powÂered by a genetÂiÂcalÂly engiÂneered retroÂvirus go wild and start takÂing over the world. Watch the trailÂer and see for yourÂself.
At Emory UniÂverÂsiÂty, Thomas GilleÂspie, AssoÂciate ProÂfesÂsor of PubÂlic Health and BioÂdiÂverÂsiÂty ConÂserÂvaÂtion, has turned the blockÂbuster release into a good teachÂing moment. In this five minute video, GilleÂspie disÂcussÂes the real charÂacÂterÂisÂtics of this often misÂunÂderÂstood species, covÂerÂing everyÂthing from their real temÂperaÂment to their breedÂing habits and comÂmon social strucÂtures. Take a look and get the realÂiÂty behind the ficÂtion.