In 1929, Josef von SternÂberg began assemÂbling the cast for the first major GerÂman sound film — Der blaue Engel, othÂerÂwise known as The Blue Angel. A clasÂsic of Weimar cinÂeÂma, the 1930 film feaÂtured MarÂlene DietÂrich playÂing Lola-Lola, a seducÂtive singer in the local cabaret. Lola-Lola was, it has been said, a “libÂerÂatÂed woman of the world who chose her men, earned her own livÂing and viewed sex as a chalÂlenge.” The perÂsona capÂtiÂvatÂed audiÂences, and it made DietÂrich an interÂnaÂtionÂal star.
Above, you can watch DietÂrich’s screen test for the film. InhabÂitÂing the role, she gives the poor piano playÂer an earÂful (essenÂtialÂly sayÂing, “How the hell can I sing through this garbage with you playÂing like that?”). Then she works her way through “Why Cry at PartÂing?” and climbs on that piano, cigÂaÂrette no longer in hand, and puts on a show…
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