Michael Chabon pubÂlished The AmazÂing AdvenÂtures of KavaÂlier & Clay in 2000, and the next year it won the Pulitzer Prize for FicÂtion. The film verÂsion of the novÂel has been locked in “develÂopÂment hell” for a good decade now. (The proÂducÂer Scott Rudin has a repÂuÂtaÂtion for optionÂing high-proÂfile novÂels and sitÂting on them for a long time; he also holds the film rights to Jonathan Franzen’s The CorÂrecÂtions.) AnyÂway, someÂwhere in the develÂopÂment process, the direcÂtor Jamie Caliri was asked to explore aniÂmaÂtion conÂcepts, and here’s what he came up with: a fun interÂtwinÂing of live action and aniÂmaÂtion.
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