NYU Launches Open Courses

Last sum­mer, NYU announced that it will join the open course­ware move­ment by mak­ing free cours­es avail­able online, all in video. Fast for­ward sev­er­al months, and you can now see the first fruits of NYU’s labor.

The Open Edu­ca­tion pilot fea­tures four cours­es, the first of ten cours­es that will even­tu­al­ly appear online.

  • His­to­ry of New York City: A Social His­to­ry – — iTunes Video –YouTube – Web Site – Prof. Daniel Walkowitz
  • Amer­i­can Lit­er­a­ture I: Begin­nings to Civ­il War – iTunes — YouTube – Prof. Cyrus Patell
  • Intro­duc­tion to Soci­ol­o­gy – Web Site – Prof. Har­vey Molotch
  • Genomes and Diver­si­ty – Web Site – Prof. Mark Sie­gal

You can prof­it from these cours­es no mat­ter where you live, and the same applies to NYU stu­dents. NYU now oper­ates cam­pus­es across the globe, from Argenti­na to Abu Dhabi, to Sin­ga­pore and soon Shang­hai. And the hope is these stu­dents can all par­tic­i­pate in a com­mon cur­ricu­lum. Hence a rea­son why NYU put these cours­es online.

You can read more about the NYU pilot here, and find 350 free online cours­es from stel­lar uni­ver­si­ties here. If you have a smart­phone, you can always access these cours­es on the fly…

H/T to Dara at Do It Your­self Schol­ar

What’s Your English? British v. Canadian Rap Battle

In 2010, the folks who pub­lish the Macmil­lan Dic­tio­nary launched the ‘What’s your Eng­lish?’ cam­paign. They then spent a good year trav­el­ing across the globe, vis­it­ing nations where Eng­lish is spo­ken, and ask­ing experts and every­day speak­ers to talk about their region­al dialects. The Unit­ed States, Aus­tralia, Ire­land, Scot­land and Cana­da were obvi­ous stops. But the tour also swept through India, Rus­sia, Brazil, Chi­na, Mex­i­co and beyond. Now, to cap things off, Macmil­lan has post­ed a “rap bat­tle” between British and Cana­di­an Eng­lish, fea­tur­ing “Baba Brinkman” and hip hop emcee “Pro­fes­sor Ele­men­tal.” Get the lyrics/script here. H/T Metafil­ter.

Relat­ed Con­tent:

How to Learn Lan­guages for Free: Span­ish, Eng­lish, Chi­nese & 37 Oth­er Lan­guages

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