Since 1995, Ira Glass has hostÂed and proÂduced This AmerÂiÂcan Life (iTunes — Feed — Web Site), the award-winÂning radio show that presents masÂterÂfulÂly-craftÂed stoÂries to almost 2 milÂlion lisÂtenÂers each week. What’s the secret sauce that goes into makÂing a great stoÂry, parÂticÂuÂlarÂly one primed for radio or TV? Glass spells it out in four parts. Watch them all above.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
LisÂten to Ira Glass’ 10 Favorite Episodes of This AmerÂiÂcan Life
Ira Glass on the Art and Craft of Telling Great Radio StoÂries