David Sedaris’ new colÂlecÂtion of comÂic stoÂries, SquirÂrel Seeks ChipÂmunk: A ModÂest BesÂtiary, was recentÂly released with an accomÂpaÂnyÂing video that feaÂtures the voice of Sedaris and the artÂwork of Ian FalÂconÂer.
If you’re not familÂiar with him, FalÂconÂer has drawn over 30 covÂers for The New YorkÂer (see examÂple here), while also creÂatÂing the amazÂing Olivia the Pig series for chilÂdren. (Be sure to watch this Olivia Goes to Venice clip for a quick primer.) If this video whets your appetite, then let me direct your attenÂtion to Sedaris readÂing the actuÂal stoÂry “The SquirÂrel and the ChipÂmunk.” It origÂiÂnalÂly aired on This AmerÂiÂcan Life.
Or, as regÂuÂlar readÂers know, you can snag a free audio copy of SquirÂrel Seeks ChipÂmunk – Sedaris does some of the narÂraÂtion! – if you regÂisÂter for a 14-day free triÂal of Audible.com. Once the triÂal is over, you can conÂtinÂue your AudiÂble subÂscripÂtion (as I did), or canÂcel it, and still keep the free book. The choice is entireÂly yours.