DurÂing World War II, some of the greatÂest livÂing filmÂmakÂers put aside their comÂmerÂcial aspiÂraÂtions and directÂed proÂpaÂganÂda films for the Allies. Frank Capra, Alfred HitchÂcock, Howard Hawks, John Ford, John HusÂton – they all made a cinÂeÂmatÂic conÂtriÂbuÂtion to the war effort. (More on that here.) And so did Walt DisÂney, big time. 90% of DisÂney employÂees proÂduced proÂpaÂganÂda films for the AmerÂiÂcan govÂernÂment, creÂatÂing 68 hours of conÂtinÂuÂous film, includÂing this short film for the TreaÂsury DepartÂment. The SpirÂit of ’43 puts DonÂald Duck in the always unenÂviÂable posiÂtion of askÂing AmerÂiÂcans to pay high taxÂes to fund their wars. (ImagÂine doing that today!) Some 26 milÂlion AmerÂiÂcans viewed the short film, and apparÂentÂly 37% of those interÂviewed in a Gallup poll latÂer admitÂted that the film affectÂed their willÂingÂness to pay Uncle Sam. You can find this DisÂney film and othÂer wartime proÂpaÂganÂda films (among othÂer goodÂies) in our colÂlecÂtion, 4,000+ Free Movies Online: Great ClasÂsics, Indies, Noir, WestÂerns, DocÂuÂmenÂtaries & More.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
DonÂald Duck DisÂcovÂers Glenn Beck: A Remix
MickÂey Mouse DisÂcovÂers ConÂspirÂaÂcy Against Glenn Beck