In 1939, Alfred HitchÂcock gave a lecÂture at Radio City Music Hall orgaÂnized by The MuseÂum of ModÂern Art and ColumÂbia UniÂverÂsiÂty. The talk (read the full tranÂscript here) takes you inside the creÂative evoÂluÂtion of Hitchcock’s filmÂmakÂing. First comes the bare bones plot, then a fuller treatÂment, comÂplete with the diaÂlogue and a susÂpenseÂful stoÂry that driÂves the movie along for two hours. HitchÂcock was the masÂter of creÂatÂing susÂpense – of givÂing the audiÂence the “dope,” as he othÂerÂwise calls it – that strings viewÂers along. And, just what was in that “dope”? He describes it below:
That is the one thing that disÂturbs me a litÂtle. You see modÂern novÂels, psyÂchoÂlogÂiÂcal novÂels, with frank charÂacÂterÂiÂzaÂtions and very good psyÂcholÂoÂgy, but there has been a tenÂdenÂcy, with the novÂel and with a lot of stage plays, to abanÂdon stoÂry. They don’t tell enough stoÂry or plot. For a motion picÂture, we do need quite an amount of stoÂry.
Now the reaÂson we need a lot of stoÂry is this: a film takes an hour and twenÂty minÂutes to play, and an audiÂence can stand about an hour. After an hour, it starts to get tired, so it needs the injecÂtion of some dope. One might also say there should be a sloÂgan, “Keep them awake at the movies!”
That dope, as one might call it, is action, moveÂment, and exciteÂment; but more than that, keepÂing the audiÂence occuÂpied menÂtalÂly. PeoÂple think, for examÂple, that pace is fast action, quick cutÂting, peoÂple runÂning around, or whatÂevÂer you will, and it is not realÂly that at all. I think that pace in a film is made entireÂly by keepÂing the mind of the specÂtaÂtor occuÂpied. You don’t need to have quick cutÂting, you don’t need to have quick playÂing, but you do need a very full stoÂry and the changÂing of one sitÂuÂaÂtion to anothÂer. You need the changÂing of one inciÂdent to anothÂer, so that all the time the audience’s mind is occuÂpied.
Now so long as you can susÂtain that and not let up, then you have pace. That is why susÂpense is such a valuÂable thing, because it keeps the mind of the audiÂence going. LatÂer on I will tell you how I think the audiÂence should parÂticÂiÂpate in those things.
The rest of the lecÂture conÂtinÂues here. And be sure to find many HitchÂcock films in our colÂlecÂtion of Free Movies Online.