From the makÂers of WalÂlace and Gromit comes the smallÂest stop-motion aniÂmaÂtion ever. The lilÂliputÂian main charÂacÂter, aptÂly named Dot, stands a mere 0.35-inch-tall. AccordÂing to PopÂuÂlar SciÂence, the aniÂmaÂtors “used a 3D printÂer to make 50 difÂferÂent verÂsions of Dot, because she is too small to manipÂuÂlate or bend like they would othÂer stop-motion aniÂmaÂtion charÂacÂters.” Then each print-up was hand-paintÂed by artists lookÂing through a microÂscope. Once the set and charÂacÂters were ready to go, the direcÂtors attached a CellScope (a cellÂphone camÂera with a 50x magÂniÂfiÂcaÂtion microÂscope) to a Nokia N8 and let the camÂeras roll. You can watch the final cut above.