DurÂing the 1930’s and 1940’s, RayÂmond ChanÂdler gave life to the detecÂtive Philip MarÂlowe, perÂhaps the most memÂoÂrable charÂacÂter of the hardÂboiled crime ficÂtion traÂdiÂtion. MarÂlowe took cenÂter stage in ChanÂdler’s influÂenÂtial novÂels, The Big Sleep and The Long GoodÂbye. And, before too long, he startÂed appearÂing in adapÂtaÂtions for radio and cinÂeÂma. Humphrey BogÂaÂrt played MarÂlowe in 1946, and Elliot Gould tackÂled the charÂacÂter in 1973. MeanÂwhile, The AdvenÂtures of Philip MarÂlowe took to the radio airÂwaves in the sumÂmer of 1947.
The iniÂtial episodes didÂn’t quite gel and NBC quickÂly yanked the show. But, a year latÂer, CBS revived the radio proÂducÂtion with new writÂers and actors, and, by 1949, the show had the largest radio audiÂence in the US. Thanks to the InterÂnet Archive, The AdvenÂtures of Philip MarÂlowe can now be accessed online for free. Find them on the IA site, or stream them below. We’ve also embedÂded of YouTube playlist of 72 episodes above. Each episode runs about 25 minÂutes. Find them added to our colÂlecÂtion, 1,000 Free Audio Books: DownÂload Great Books for Free.
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