Leon TrotÂsky, one of the fathers of the RussÂian RevÂoÂluÂtion, secÂond only to to Lenin, was assasÂsiÂnatÂed in MexÂiÂco 70 years ago today (August 21, 1940). DurÂing the earÂly years of the RevÂoÂluÂtion, TrotÂsky headÂed up forÂeign affairs for RusÂsia and foundÂed the Red Army. FolÂlowÂing Lenin’s death (1924), he looked primed to take conÂtrol of the revÂoÂluÂtionÂary state. But StalÂin had othÂer thoughts about the matÂter, and, before too long, TrotÂsky found himÂself in exile again. PreÂviÂous exiles took him to Siberia, KazaÂkhstan, AusÂtria, SwitzerÂland, Spain and the UnitÂed States. This time, he went to France, NorÂway, Turkey (see the film VanesÂsa RedÂgrave narÂrates on his stint in IstanÂbul) and latÂer MexÂiÂco (1936), where he lived with painter Diego Rivera and his wife/fellow painter, FriÂda Kahlo. EvenÂtuÂalÂly, Kahlo and TrotÂsky would have a famous affair.
Above, we have some grainy footage of TrotÂsky from his MexÂiÂco years. The footage dates back to 1937, and it shows TrotÂsky, speakÂing in broÂken EngÂlish, givÂing thanks to MexÂiÂco for proÂvidÂing sancÂtuÂary and defendÂing himÂself against the show triÂals that StalÂin orchesÂtratÂed back in RusÂsia. TrotÂsky was senÂtenced to death in absenÂtia. Three years latÂer, he would be assasÂsiÂnatÂed by an underÂcovÂer agent while still livÂing in MexÂiÂco. YouTube has more on the assasÂsiÂnaÂtion here. A big thanks goes to Mike S. for unearthing this great litÂtle clusÂter of videos.
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