Philip Roth, now 77 years old, keeps pubÂlishÂing with a cerÂtain urgency. EveryÂman in 2006, Exit Ghost in 2007, IndigÂnaÂtion 2008, The HumÂbling last year, and next comes NemeÂsis, due to be released in earÂly OctoÂber. After The HumÂbling hit the shelves, magÂaÂzine ediÂtor Tina Brown conÂductÂed a rare video interÂview with Roth, and they covÂered a fair amount of ground in 14 minÂutes: his creÂative surge, how he approachÂes writÂing sex scenes, ObaÂma’s litÂerÂary talÂents, the comÂing extincÂtion of the novÂel and whether the KinÂdle can make any bit of difÂferÂence, etc. You can watch the video above, or read a tranÂscript here.
Now a litÂtle freeÂbie. A nice copy of IndigÂnaÂtion goes to the first readÂer who sends along a comÂpelling piece of open/intelligent media that we choose to post on the site. (If you’re lookÂing for more guidÂance on what we have in mind, please read the tips on this page.) You can subÂmit your media picks here. Cheers…