With BenÂjamin Netanyahu visÂitÂing Barack ObaÂma this week, we’ll hear some chatÂter about getÂting the Israeli-PalesÂtinÂian peace talks back on track. But, let’s be honÂest, no one is expectÂing any real breakÂthroughs here. Peace, love and underÂstandÂing – the radÂiÂcals and reacÂtionarÂies won’t give you that these days. Only movie makÂers will, which brings us to West Bank StoÂry, a 21 minute film that parÂoÂdies the 1950s clasÂsic musiÂcal, West Side StoÂry, a proÂducÂtion which is itself adaptÂed from ShakeÂspeare’s Romeo and JuliÂet. DirectÂed by US filmÂmakÂer Ari Sandel, West Bank StoÂry preÂmiered at the SunÂdance Film FesÂtiÂval in 2005, and then won an AcadÂeÂmy Award for Best Live Action Short Film in 2006. In makÂing the film, Sandel had three main goals: to make peoÂple laugh, to advoÂcate peace, and to porÂtray the Israelis and PalesÂtiniÂans in a funÂny but balÂanced way. You can learn more about the direcÂtor’s approach here.
OthÂer than watchÂing the film above, you can view it directÂly on Google Video or downÂload a copy here. Also find it listÂed in our colÂlecÂtion of Free Movies Online.