DisÂcovÂery ChanÂnel’s Life series has been receivÂing a lot of rave reviews for its stunÂning footage of plants and aniÂmals. This excerpt showÂing creepÂer plants climbÂing trees lives up to the hype. Leave it to a litÂtle time-lapse video–not to menÂtion a voice-over by Oprah Winfrey–to blur the line between plant and aniÂmal.
UPDATE: A readÂer in Europe informed me that this video is apparÂentÂly being blocked outÂside of the US. It’s extremeÂly rare that this hapÂpens with YouTube videos (I’ve only seen it hapÂpen with full movies), but for some reaÂson, it hapÂpened here. My apoloÂgies. [Dan]
Wes Alwan lives in Boston, MassÂaÂchuÂsetts, where he works as a writer and researcher and attends the InstiÂtute for the Study of PsyÂchoÂanalyÂsis and CulÂture. He also parÂticÂiÂpates in The ParÂtialÂly ExamÂined Life, a podÂcast conÂsistÂing of inforÂmal disÂcusÂsions about philoÂsophÂiÂcal texts by three phiÂlosÂoÂphy gradÂuÂate school dropouts.