Wikipedia is now openÂing the online encyÂcloÂpeÂdia to video, givÂing conÂtribÂuÂtors a new way to conÂvey inforÂmaÂtion in a richÂer way. And they’re makÂing a point of using video in an open forÂmat (Ogg TheÂoÂra).
Among the conÂfluÂence of facÂtors comÂing togethÂer in 2010 are: 1) the growÂing awareÂness that video is the domÂiÂnant mediÂum of the web and that video can help make Wikipedia artiÂcles even richÂer; 2) the develÂopÂment of open source playÂers and codecs (alterÂnaÂtives to Flash, QuickÂtime, WinÂdows Media, and H.264, 3); the introÂducÂtion of pubÂlic browsÂer tools—Firefox’s FireÂfogg extenÂsion, for example—for uploadÂing and playÂing nonÂproÂpriÂetary video forÂmats; 4) the willÂingÂness of nonÂprofÂits like the ParÂticÂiÂpaÂtoÂry CulÂture FounÂdaÂtion and the Open Video Alliance and for-profÂits like Kaltura and IntelÂliÂgent TeleÂviÂsion to dedÂiÂcate themÂselves to open video; and the proÂviÂsion of strateÂgic fundÂing from the MozilÂla FounÂdaÂtion and Ford FounÂdaÂtion, among othÂers, to supÂport develÂopÂers, proÂgramÂmers, and activists. As Wikipedia board memÂber S. J. Klein explains in a recent Open Video Alliance video short, the day is fast comÂing where video will be as easy for users to write, edit, annoÂtate, and remix as text is today. (You can find more details on the camÂpaign here and here.)
What are the recÂomÂmenÂdaÂtions for video conÂtributed to Wikipedia? They should be relatÂed to curÂrent artiÂcles, short and under 100 MB, free, and availÂable to share and reuse (offered under a CreÂative ComÂmons BY-SA or equivÂaÂlent license). In comÂing weeks new videos are expectÂed to proÂlifÂerÂate and new strateÂgies will be unfurled for workÂing with eduÂcaÂtionÂal reposÂiÂtoÂries of legaÂcy video.
This post was conÂtributed by Peter KaufÂman, the CEO and presÂiÂdent of IntelÂliÂgent TeleÂviÂsion, who shares our pasÂsion for thoughtÂful media.