A quick fyi: StartÂing today, you can find online legal opinÂions from the Supreme Court, as well as fedÂerÂal and state courts, thanks to Google ScholÂar. When you visÂit Google ScholÂar, click on the “Legal opinÂions and jourÂnals” radio butÂton, and then begin your query. If you type “sepÂaÂrate but equal,” ScholÂar with present you with famous Supreme Court CasÂes such as Plessy v. FerÂguÂson and Brown v. Board of EduÂcaÂtion. You get the gist. You can read more about this online legal dataÂbase over at Google’s blog.
UPDATE/NOTE FROM READER: “This has already been done for the US Supreme Court, and very well, at oyez.org. Oyez is easy to use, has lots of addiÂtionÂal conÂtent, includÂing sumÂmaries and audio of oral arguÂments, and is ad-free and CreÂative ComÂmons licensed for its origÂiÂnal conÂtent. Plus, you can search by court term, JusÂtice, and the name of the legal counÂsel.” An alterÂnaÂtive source to look at…